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A/N: So here is the next chapter, hope ya'll enjoy it!! I've made my decision here, so hope you like the pairing! By the way, yes, I do know there's another chapter on my other fanfic with the same name as this one-or very close to, no judging. Thanks to SaishiKurenai, CazRinada3, Nicolebello45, WompasaurusRex, marasearles7, ShanaKonoha, Skullyton, KittenCatX3, nonsense_words, LibraCaelis, and LunaRoseL for voting for I'll save you and thanks to asterdelicacy, Nicolebello45, KittenCatX3, and SaishiKurenai for commenting on I'll save you. R&R


Green and Gold walked the long way to class, not wanting to have to deal with the crowded hallways.

"Hey Gold," Gold turned to face the person calling him, "Can I talk to you?" Blue asked shyly and rather nervous. Gold gave one last look to Green before nodding at Blue and following her around the corner. Green continued walking, but he didn't get very far until he ran into N.

"Woah, hey, sorry Green."

"No problem N, but what's the rush? You can't care that much about getting to Calculus on time."

"It's Black, I saw him walking with his friend, but once he saw me he turned around and ran. I've been looking for him, but then one of the administrators told me to find this Yellow girl in B134. I don't have time for this!... Hey... Green... Would you mind-" Green sighed, interrupting N.

"I'll do it for you." Green, rather reluctantly offered.

"Thanks man! You're the best!" N ran off in search of Black, leaving Green with what originally was his job. Green sighed and walked towards B-hall.

When he finally reached the class, it was only to realize the professor was not yet there. Green looked around the room, expecting him to be walking around, instead, he was met by the sight of the boy with the jet black hair and red eyes leaning over and doodling something. He sat next to the girl with blonde hair who seemed to be playing on his iPod. Is that-?

Just then, he looked up and red eyes met green ones. What felt like hours, but was only seconds, passed by before the boy looked away.

"Green? What are you doing here?" My head turned towards the back of the room where White was sitting, an empty seat next to her where Black was supposed to be.

Green felt oddly nervous knowing the boy who managed to worm his way into every one of his thoughts could hear him. "Oh... Ummm... I need to give this paper to professor-"

Just then the professor walked by him into the class. "What paper?" Green simply put out his hand, rather than talking and embarrassing himself in front of the boy even more, showing the professor the paper. "Ah, Yellow, the counselor wishes to see you."

Green's eyes flicked to the blonde haired girl sitting next to the boy who looked very worried as she handed him back his iPod. She walked past Green, out the door, while Green just continued to stare at the boy. So this is his class... and the girl with blonde hair is Yellow... Are they-?

"Anything else Mr. Oak?" The professor looked right at Green, clearly annoyed with him still being there.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, no sir." Green quickly walked out of the room, not wanting to truly anger the professor. Green walked out, his brain focused, once again, on the boy with red eyes.

Who is he? What's his name? Why is he all of a sudden popping up more often than usual? Guilt flooded Green for betraying his future soulmate in this moment, but at the same time, he just had to know. He had to know his name, everything. Green wanted to know everything about him. His favorite food, color, movie, music, Green wanted to know it all, he had to.

Green didn't come to until he accidentally came upon the sight of N and Black kissing in a nook between building C and D, their fingers intertwined. N's left wrist had Black written in beautiful, intricate letters while Black's right wrist had the letter N in the same fashion. They are soulmates! Green was incredibly shocked, but managed to walk away, not wanting to disturbed the new couple.

Green managed to finally get to his first period as the bell rang. He waited outside for Gold only to realize he must still be with Blue. Green shrugged and walked towards the gym, where his second period was. Green changed into his basketball clothes and left to go practice with the rest of his team.

Ten minutes into the practice he started to notice a familiar black head of hair jogging easily with the track kids. That can't be... could it?

"Green stop slacking off!" The red-eyed boy's head snapped over to the court Green was on. Green made eye contact for a brief moment before he, reluctantly, looked back towards his coach.

"Sorry Coach." He nodded and continued supervising the practice. Green continued to practice, though he felt more self-conscious, knowing he was there, possibly watching. Conceited much?

He had to stop himself from turning to watch him. "Red!" Green turned towards the loud noise only to see the boy of his fascination on the floor. Green jogged over to him, to Red, as he was the closest one-or least that's the excuse he gave himself, and reached out a hand to help him up.


A/N: I know, not as long as the other's but I couldn't resist stopping it there! Okay so please vote and comment if you have any suggestions! Btw, I've decided to include a special chapter!! I'm either going to post it today, tomorrow, or Monday, so be on the look out for it! (Probably tomorrow though tbh) Sayanora~

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