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Please Read A/N!!

A/N: Hey ya'll! So... This is it... The final chapter of this fanfic! I hope you guys have enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you to everyone who followed me and my story! I was so happy every time someone commented and voted! Even though this was barely my second fanfic, ya'll were so nice to me! I love you guys and I hope you continue to support me! Thank you to everyone who voted and commented on the last chapter. These updates are something I've been wanting to do for a while and finally managed it thanks to the long airplane flights! R&R!! Please vote and comment!


Yellow ran forward, a bright smile on her face, and hugged Red tight, congratulating him. It's been a year since he joined track in Yellow's place and he's continued to keep his word and win first place at each race, always beating his past record time and time again.

"Great job Red!" Yellow stepped back, eyes shining in happiness.

Silver and Gold stood up from the stands, Gold whistling and cheering loudly while Silver simply nodded his head in acknowledgement of Red's victory. Red's eyes continued to scan the stands, searching for the emerald eyes which he knew so well.

"Looking for someone?" A very familiar voice whispered in his ear. Red turned around, a rare full smile on his face as he jumped into Green's waiting arms. Green's lips lightly brushed against his forehead.

Good job. Red beamed up at the praise, his Crimson eyes shinning brightly.

"You know," Gold turned to Silver, "Red's been smiling more and more since he and Green bonded." Silver nodded, his eyes lighter as he faced Gold. A devious smirk tugged on the corners of Gold's lips. "Then again, you've also changed since we bonded. I got to see a whole new side of you."

Gold sent an image of a flushed, naked, Silver panting lightly, eyes glazed over in lust, sweat lightly coating his body, and red hair moused after Gold ran his fingers through it and tugged it lightly- occasionally forceful.

Silver blushes a bright red, matching his hair, and punched Gold's arm before stomping off towards the rest of the group. Gold followed after him, grinning like a fool at the flood of emotions Silver felt, and accidentally projected into the bond, brought on by the image.

"Red!" Black practically tackled Red in his excitement. "That was so awesome! You just passed them all like nothing!" Red could feel Green's jealousy rolling off him in waves, a soft growl sounding in the back of his mind as Black continued to hold onto him, rattling off on how 'amazing' he was.

Yellow nodded her head in agreement with Black's words, her eyes following Blue's every movement as she stood near Silver, longing and determination in her gaze. Blue flushed lightly, trying to pretend as though she didn't feel the beauty's gaze.

N's arms wrapped around Black, removing him from Red, the scowl on his face being the only indication of his own jealousy. Black read his jealousy through the bond and couldn't hold back his chuckle.

Don't go hugging other people so easily. N's voice sounded very irritated, which only served to amuse the smaller boy to no end.

Red watched the couple with a light in his eyes. It was nice seeing his timid friend smile and laugh so easily. It's amazing what a bond can do. Green's arms wrapped around his waist just as N leaned forward and whispered something into Black's ear, making him blush a bright crimson.

"If you continue to make fun of me, you'll regret in as soon as we get back to my place." Black flushed a nice shade of red in N's arms.

S-sorry. Black's soft, yet slightly breathy, voice filled N's head and he couldn't help smirking against the young boy's ear, causing a small shiver to wrack through his body, only noticed by N as everyone else- luckily- seemed too busy

Red relaxed into Green's arms as soon as he wrapped them, lovingly, around his waist. Just as Red relaxed, Green reached up and tilted his head to the side, biting the groove between his shoulder and neck. Red shivered at the possessiveness flowing through the bond and had to hold back a moan as Green sucked the area lightly.

Green released a flushed and weak-kneed Red, a proud smirk on his face as everyone's eyes were widened in shock. Red blushed a furious red and stomped angrily away from everyone, only stopping once by a single sentence from Green before continuing on his way, though considerably less angry, with Green following behind, a victorious smirk firmly etched onto his face.

We'll continue this later.

"It really is amazing how much their bond changed them." Everyone nodded their head in agreement with Gold's words.

Silver's fingers intertwined with Gold's. It's amazing how our bonds have changed all of us. His soft smile only seemed to warm Gold's heart.



A/N: Sayanora~

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