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A/N: Next chapter! Yay! Thanks to SaishiKurenai, MichelleAnderson716, KittenCatX3, CazRinada3, LibraCaelis, LunaRoseL, eeveemaster, and nonsense_words for voting for Damn sweet tooth and thanks to nonsens_words, asterdelicacy, WompasaurasRex, LibraCaelis, KittenCatX3, MichelleAnderson716, and GoatsGoBaaah for commenting on Damn sweet tooth. I love you all so much! Thanks for sticking with the stories even though they seem to get shorter and shorter. R&R!!


Damn sweet tooth. I could feel his amusement through our partial bond and smirked. It did irritate me that he stole my food, but if it was him... well, I don't really mind. Green's elbow sat on the table, his cheek resting against his fist, as he played with the locks of my hair. It took all my power not to blush in front of my friends.

It's okay if you blush. I scowled over at him while he threw me a boyish smile that made my heart skip a few beats- which no doubt Green felt going by his chuckle.

Bastard. Green threw his head back and laughed, causing people to turn and look.

"N! Why can't we be like that?! You're only mean to me, you're never sweet," Black pouted, his right hand holding N's left one, the names on their wrists beautifully shown to all. N leaned over to Black and spoke softly in his ear. Black's face turned a bright red as he looked down, his brown locks shielding his face from his friends while N sat back, looking rather smug.

Red couldn't help but smirk, glad someone else other than him was being teased, though that wasn't very fair to Black.

"Hey Red," the red-eyed boy looked up, his red orbs meeting gold ones. "Why don't you ever speak." Red was going to just shrug, but he remembered this was Green's friend, and, he wanted Green's friends to like him too. Green chuckled next to him, but Red ignored him-or at least tried to.

"I just... don't really feel the need... to talk...." His voice was barely heard to those around the table. Green honestly felt, through the bond, how hard it was for Red to speak, though he spoke to him just fine earlier.

You're different. The words were filled with warmth and Green felt like hugging the boy next to him.

"Everyone thinks you're in some sort of gang! They say you can beat twenty people like nothing and-" Gold's ramblings about the rumors surrounding Red continued for the rest of the period, though by then the boy had long since tuned him out. When the bell did ring, Red found himself leaning his head on Green's shoulder with Green's arm around him. Red quickly scrambled away, embarrassed, causing Green to smirk.

Silly. Red pouted angrily at Green's comment before remembering where he was and wiping his face clean of expression. As per usual, when Red stood up, Yellow stood with him and wrapped her delicate hand around his pinky. Yellow, with her lack of sense of direction, has a tendency to get lost, so Red walks her to all of her classes, though they have most classes together.

Green tried not to feel jealous when Yellow held onto Red as they walked throughout the halls. Green knew Red didn't see her as anything more than a sister, he never had, but, nonetheless, he felt jealousy course through him.

Red reached over and slowly intertwined his fingers with Green's. Green's eyes shot to his own as he smiled warmly at Green. I told you Green, it's different with you.

When Red and Yellow arrived to their classroom, Yellow immediately let go, feeling like a third wheel next to the new couple, though Red would never see her that way. Before Red went inside the class, Green tugged on his arm, bringing Red to him, and kissed his temple. Green could feel Red's heart beat pick up pace in his own chest and through his lips. Green smiled and let go. Just as he turned away, Red tugged lightly on his jacket sleeve, bringing Green to a halt.

Red's face was looking down, his bangs covering his face from view, though Green could easily see his red tipped ears. Red took one step closer, then stood on his tip toes and kissed Green's chin before turning around and rushing inside. As soon as Red took his seat next to Yellow, he banged his head against the cold desk surface. Stupid.

I think you're adorable. Green's soft chuckle filled his head.


A/N: Hope ya'll liked this chapter, I thought it had a bunch of cute fluff. Please comment and vote! Sayanora~

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