Just Begun

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A/N: Okay, don't want to take too long because I've worked hard on this, it's my second time writing something as intense (warning: hot and heavy/yaoi scene) as this and, honestly, I'm excited to hear what you guys think. Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last update. So, hope ya'll like this one! R&R!!


"It's okay... You can..." The image popped into Green's head from Red, specifying what he meant exactly as the boy beneath him turned beet red, his soft delicate body trembling lightly from embarrassment and want- no, need.

"A-are you sure? I don't mind waiting or anything. I know we're fully bonded now, but we technically did just-" Red lightly placed his fingers on Green's lips, silencing him, knowing that Green was only protesting because he didn't want to force him.

Green, he opted to speak mentally, letting Green feel the truth in his words, I trust you. Warmth flooded Green, surrounding him, encasing him, until he could do no more than ravish the boy beneath him.

Green leaned down, and kissed the boy of his infatuation. The kiss began sweet but quickly turned hot and heavy as Green nipped his plump bottom lip, taking full advantage of Red's small gasp. A sweet flavor filled him, giving away Red's love of sweets. Arceus Red. Green's tongue explored eagerly. Both boys fought for dominance, tongues moving together, almost as if in a dance. Green reveled in the feel of Red's tongue moving against his own, before taking over. Fisting the back of his head, Green angled Red, giving him better access to his mouth, and dominated him. Red could do no more than whimper in pleasure at the onslaught.

Green kissed from his jaw slowly down his neck, pouring every once of love he could, both physically and through the bond, into the boy beneath him. Red's delectable gasps filled the room as Green's left hand, which had Red's name inscribed on the wrist, tilted his head farther back, giving Green more access to his delicious neck, as his right hand slowly traveled to the edge of Red's shirt, occasionally brushing against his bare skin.

Oh Arceus Green... Red arched up a bit off the bed as Green's hand traveled up from the edge of his shirt, slowly pushing it up, his fingertips barely grazing his skin. A gasp sounded from him at each light contact.

Green's tongue followed the curve of his neck down to the collar bone. Small nips caused Red to throw his head farther back, husky moans escaping Red's bruised and red lips. Green's teeth lightly grazed his soft, smooth skin to the groove between his neck and shoulder. Planting small kisses in the area, Green allowed him to relax before clamping his teeth down, leaving the first, of many, marks he planned to leave on the body before him, for all to see. Red hissed lightly, but his hard member pressed against Green's thigh, begging for attention, proving to Green that Red enjoyed it very much.

Red... Green nipped his neck softly. A husky moan sounded. Red... His left hand slid to the back of Red's head as he lightly gripped his hair between his fingers and kissed him hard. I love you so much. Red slowly parted his lips, allowing Green's tongue to explore his mouth, giving him the entrance he's demanding, a demand he had every right to give.

Green removed the damn t-shirt that was blocking him from his beloved's bare skin, letting his hands travel everywhere, learning every nook and cranny, every sensitive area, he could. Red's neck and collar bone were especially sensitive, but just by lightly trailing his fingers on his hips would cause the boy to laugh and shiver in pleasure all at once. This body now belonged to Green, his to love, hold, protect, and pleasure.

Mine. Green's eyes travelled up and down Red's flushed body, marveling at how he could be so cute and hot as hell all at once.

Yours. Green's eyes snapped to crimson ones, and though a blush showed his embarrassment, determination was shining in his gaze.

Hunger engulfed Green. His mind, body, and soul told him to enrapture the boy before him, and he didn't need to be told twice. Green took his time exploring Red's body, loving Red's body. His tongue trailed from his ear, slowly down to his neck, then his collar bone- which brought out loud, sexy moans. Green lightly flicked his tongue over one of the pink nubs before him, causing Red to gasp loudly and quiver softly beneath him. Green, very much enjoying the sight before him, lightly trailed his tongue around, enjoying every noise that came out of the beauty underneath him.

G-Green... Green sucked softly on the nub before leaning back and blowing softly, making the boy shiver in pleasure. G-Green!

Yes my love? Green kissed slowly up to his neck and then traveled back down to the other nub, giving it the same treatment.

I-... I want to see you too.... Red blushed a bright red shade- or at least a brighter shade than he was before- and looked away, biting his lip softly. Green chuckled lightly and chastely kissed his already abused lips before sitting up and reaching for the edge of his shirt. W-wait! Red's voice filled his head. I want to... to be the one to do it.

Green simply raised an eyebrow and smirked, slowly moving his hands away and giving Red room to sit up. He sat up slowly, and used both his hands to slide Green's shirt up, his hands brushing against bare skin, fingers following the curve of every muscle Green had gained from basketball. Red leaned forward and followed the shirt, kissing his way up, letting his tongue trace the same muscles his fingers had brushed just moments before. Green's body felt on fire, the heat following Red's fingers, tongue, kisses, it was all too much.

It took all of his strength to not devour his boyfriend right then and there. As soon as the shirt was off though- took long enough, Green pushed him down, and used his left hand to pin Red's wrists down to the bed, Red's inscribed name now next to his own. Arceus you look so good like this. Beneath me. Letting me do as I please.

Red quivered lightly beneath him, letting Green's words fill him, almost as if Green were bewitching him, making all other thoughts irrelevant other than what was happening right now- other than what Green was doing to him.

Green went down and nipped softly at Red's neck, enjoying his gasps, as his right hand traveled down and slowly started to undo Red's jeans.

Red's breath hitched as Green lightly tugged them off, revealing a quickly hardening bulge beneath Red's boxers. Sliding his pants down all the way, Green crept back up, planting small kisses up his slender- sexy as hell- legs. The inside of his ankle, his calf, his knee, his thigh, each making a small, loving sigh escape his beloved's lips. Sliding his boxers down, Green slid his tongue up Red's shaft, a gasp of pleasure filling Green's ears, making the blood rush down to a quickly tightening area and causing him to feel light headed.

Wrapping his mouth around Red's quickly hardening member, he bobbed his head up and down, wanting to pleasure the body before him. He could feel Red's pleasure through the bond, almost as if it were his own, it only served to spur him on.

Red's fists clenched at the sheets beneath him, his face flushed from the onslaught of emotions, lips parted and soft pants filling the room. Damn I wish I could take a picture.

Don't you dare... The voice in his head sounded breathy, causing Green's cock to harden even more- if that was even possible. Green lightly chuckled around Red, sending vibrations up his shaft causing him to groan loudly and thrust up into Green's mouth. Hands gently, but firmly, held his hips down. Green continued his assault, occasionally humming lightly causing a loud groan- which he worried either Daisy or Gramps would hear, though he didn't care enough to stop- to fill the room.

Red's voice sounded in both his head and aloud. "G-Green... I can't... St-stop... No more... I- " Green sucked hard with vigor, his teeth lightly grazing Red's hard cock. Red threw his head back and groaned loudly as he exploded inside of Green's mouth, who didn't let a drop of his beloved's go to waste. Red lay panting before him, sweat lightly glistening on his delicious body. Green leaned over Red, placing his lips right beside his ear. "I've only just begun with you."


A/N: Please comment- I really wanna know what u guys think if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism- and vote! Thanks for reading! Love ya'll! Sayanora~

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