Chapter 5

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A/N that's the outfit She wears to school

"Wake up sleepy head!!"i woke up to the sound of Calum yelling in my ear my eyes were half open and it was seven o clock how do I know that? The digital clock in my room an the bedside table.
"Calum next time you yell in my ear I swear I will break your nose." and with that Calum moved back.
"Your going to school." Calum said with a smile on his face I was shocked I didn't want to go to school.
Why? 1. it's boring
2. you have to learn
And 3. I don't like watching other people getting bullied but I've never gotten bullied.
"Nooo I don't want to go to school."
"Because it's boring and bedsides I'll probably make no friends in 1day."
"Too bad you're going."
While I was walking i saw a kid my age walking beside me and may I say he looked hot. He had perfect brown hair that it was in a slight quiff.
He had dark blue eyes and soft pink kissable lips.
"Hi I'm Tyler are you new here you look lost?"
"Uh....y-yeah I'm Cassandra I am new here can you help me find room 256?" I kept on rambling on I think I'm just embarrassing my self I don't know an I? I was so nervous.
"Oh we have English together so you can just follow me and sit by me if your ok with that?"
"Y-yeah I mean I am totally fine with it."

School actually went by really quickly. I made a few friend like Tyler,Tess,oliver,and Riley(is a girl) and there coming over to my place after school today.

While we were walking to school we were talking about the mean girls well calling them mean girls would be an understatement.
As soon as we went in my house I yelled
"I'm home and brought a few friends!"
A/N short but no whining guess what's gonna happen in the next chapter?It has something to so with Tyler and Cassandra so read chapter 6 tomorrow to find out at maybe around 3:00 to 9:30.
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