Chapter 22 - lance

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Maddie's POV

I drive as fast as I come back to my parents' house opening the door as I sprint in, it's night now, probably closer to ten when I come in. "Hi, mom" I yell running up the stairs. I don't even know if she's home but I'm finding Lance. I go up to his bedroom door and knock before opening it and seeing clothes throw all over the floor.

"Hey what's wrong?" She yells as I lean over the railing to the stairs. "Where's Lance?" I ask as she sighs.

"We took him to the airport a few hours ago, shit no we didn't! I wasn't supposed to tell you that I was sworn to secrecy do not tell Lance I told you. He didn't tell you before?" She asks as my heart drops. "Didn't tell me what?" I ask as she sighs.

"He was going to go see Izzy and handle his scholarship stuff." She tells me when my heart hits my ass. He doesn't know-, he has no idea she's still pregnant.

"Oh, my fuck." I whisper palming my forehead as I run back down the stairs. "Mom I was in the mall and Charlotte was there and I followed her. I followed her to the prison and I looked up the inmates when I got home with Lex and there's pictures of her kissing all over a Cody Reynolds who is not in prison for drugs! Drugs mom! She's lied to Lance!" I yell walking to the living room as she sighs and holds her forehead.

"Oh my gosh. How do you know that?" She asks as I sigh. "Gut feeling mom. I had to find out more about her. She seemed nice but almost too nice" I tell her as she sighs.

"I guess so. I hope he doesn't get hurt. But he's going to see Izzy now and I have a feeling that when he gets back they'll be back together." She tells me as I sigh.

"Speaking of, I gotta go. She'll be freaked out if she doesn't know. I love you mom come over one night and we'll kick Lexington out and watch movies." I tell her as I hug her into my arms.

"I love you, sweetie. But-, we need to have a talk really fast" she tells me rubbing my arms. "You can be honest with me since your dad's not here but honey, you're fertile. Please tell me-" she goes to start as I cut her off.

"Mom, it's under control okay? We wear condoms I'm on birth control and it's okay." I tell her as she nods. "Good. Good. I'm not a saint so I don't expect you to be but be smart." She tells me as I nod.

"So tell me when you'd lose your virginity?" She asks as I laugh. "Absolutely not. Just know I gladly gave it to Lexington. I didn't lose it, I know exactly who has it." I tell her as her face pales and she sighs.

"Oh lord. You're exactly like me. Be safe and call me tonight before you go to bed!" She tells me as I hug her and nod. "Where's dad? It's like nine or ten" I tell her as she sighs.

"He went to get me some ice cream sweetie." She tells me as I laugh and smile. I totally get that from her, ice cream on your period just hits different.

Loving Maddie (Loving Jaxton Spin-off #2) 18+ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now