And by the way, I like your tail (Gally Imagine)

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Requested by @chugular

(This is based on the maze runner book where everyone hates and doesn't care about Gally. Incase you haven't read the book, Gally disappears and no one cares)

Ok, first imagine. Lets's start.

Snowy sat next to Thomas and Minho during breakfast. It was her third week at the glade. She was a slicer and the only girl other than Teresa in the glade. The thing that made Snowy very unique was the fact that she was a therian. (A/N don't know what a therian is? Search it up and no, it doesnt mean you can shift into an animal) She was a snow leopard therian and wore both a tail and ears.

"Hey Snowy." Said Teresa smiling as she walked pass with Gally.

Snowy has had a crush on Gally since she first arrived. Unfortunately, he was dating Teresa. Teresa knew Snowy wanted Gally, so she's constantly reminds Snowy that Gally is hers. Though she never really acted like she liked Gally very much.

"Shut up." Snowy mumbled.

"You okay?"

"No Thomas. I am not. You know what!?" Snowy was about to curse words at him, but she thought otherwise. "Just follow me."

Snowy lead Thomas to the deadheads.

"Why am I here." Thomas asked with a confused face.

"I have to tell you something. Something secret."

"Okay I'm listening."

"Your my best friend so I trust you not to tell anyone. I have a crush on Gally." Snowy immediately put her hand up to her mouth. "Shit why did I say that?" She thought. If Thomas tells anybody, Gally could find out.

"Oh my gosh!" Thomas looked shocked. "That's why Teresa is so, mean to you. Yes, I have noticed."

"Just keep it quiet."

"I promise."

~Magical time skip of 1 week~

Snowy was eating breakfast peacefully, until she heard shouting near the homestead. She recognised the voices immediately. Teresa and Gally.

"You're using me I know it!"

"Gally! I'd never use you!"

"I know. Minho told me everything. Alby made you date me so you could lead me into the Maze! You guys think that I have no purpose here. That I just bring everyone down! But they don't want to be completely mean so they are secretly counting on you! Minho told me!" He was crying, his tear filled eyes were heart broken.

"You know what?! You're right! In fact, go into the Maze! Right now! You know no one likes you Gally so why stay!"

"You-" Gally stopped. He stopped crying and took in a deep breath. He then dropped his voice into a whisper. "I will. I'll go. No one cares anyways."

~Snowy's POV (more like thoughts)~

And Gally left. He ran to the Maze doors. What the hell was he saying? Of course someone cares about him. I shucking care about him!

~Authors POV~

Snowy ran. She ran past Teresa, past the deadheads, and past the Maze wall. Gally had ran into the Maze. He could be deep into the Maze by now. He was fast.

"GALLY!" Shouted Snowy continuously.

No response. Snowy ran, she ran left and right, then right and straight down a long corridor. She had never stepped foot into the Maze, and she hoped she never will again. Snowy just hoped Gally knew the way back.

It was still broad daylight and they had at least 4 hours till the doors closed.


Finally, after what felt like years and years of searching, she heard sobbing around the corner.


"Snowy? Is that you?" She heard Gally say.

Snowy turned the corner and ran straight up to him. Gally stood up and pulled Snowy right into a huge hug.

"I knew someone cared." Snowy heard Gally say.

"Gally of course I care! I care like, you just don't know how shucking much I care."

Gally suddenly pulled Snowy away.

"What time is it?" He asked.

Snowy looked at her watch. "It's like 1:00pm. We still have four more hours till the doors close."

"Listen, I need to tell you something." Gally said with a sparkle in his eyes. "I love you. I love you more than these creators love watching us be tortured in this Maze. I love you more than the grievers love to sting us. I love you more than Thomas loves Newt. (A/N sorry I had to add a little bit of Newtmas. If you don't ship Newtmas, sorry) You are the reason I live Snowy. I love you."

"Gally, I love you t-" Before Snowy could finish her sentence, Gally pulled her in for a kiss. Snowy was shocked, but eventually melted in to it. His lips were as soft as a rose petal, and they tasted like cherries. Finally, Gally pulled away which made Snowy slightly whimper.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked.


"Well your gorgeous. And by the way, I like your tail."


This actually was sweeter than I thought. I enjoyed writing this. Sorry if the ending sounds dirty, it's not suppose to. I don't think it sounds dirty but my friend does so sorry about that. Anyways, keep those requests coming! Bye.

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