An injured secret (Newtmas)

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A/N: Ok, ok, guys I hear you! I have had toooo many Newtmas requests and you know what? I ship them too! Yaaaay! So I have done my best to make the sweetest Newtmas imagine I can. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Ok so I tried and couldn't come up with anything...I NEED IDEAS!!! So I found one off the internet...ITS NOT MINE its someone else's sooooo here it is (its so sweet).

(Thomas's POV)

I was currently hugging Teresa, she was scarred. "Don't be scarred Teresa" she hugged me tight. Being surrounded by a maze freaked her out, she tells me about her nightmares all the time.

"As long as I have you I'll feel better" she spoke quietly. We let go of each other and held hands instead, walking around the glade. Teresa and I are dating it's been a few days actually. There's a secret though I'm not actually in love with her, she's a cover up. Although Teresa doesn't know which makes me feel like a slinthead- I'm actually dating Newt, secretly. We decided to keep it a secret because we didn't want the gladers to judge us or suspect anything.

"Teresa I have to go see Chuck but I'll come hang out with you later" I said letting go of her hand.

"Thomas I can come with you, I have nothing else to do" she looked almost hurt. I never get to be by myself or with another glader because Teresa is too clingy.

"Chuck needs something but I'm sure that Zart might need some help" I responded, trying to get her far from me for a little while. She looked at me with a confused face but turned around and walked the other way. I felt relieved and walked over to Chuck.

He was sitting alone fidgeting with his fingers. "So what do you need?" I ask him standing up. Chuck stood up from the ground and answered my question.

"I want to prank Gally again" Chuck said with a mischievous smile. We've pranked Gally before but since we're on his bad side it didn't matter if he got mad. "I was thinking we throw rocks at them from afar"

"Well that's random, but interesting. Okay lets go" I said and we walked a few meters away from Gally. There was tons of rocks on the ground so we picked them up and threw them in Gallys direction. The plan was not to hit Gally with rocks but to throw them so he'd get confused of 'flying rocks'.

Me and Chuck were laughing so hard that I wasn't paying attention to my aim. I by accidentally hit Gally in the back of the head, he turned around and he saw us. I immediately threw the rocks to the ground, Gally was not happy.

"Gally I'm so so sorry, it was an accident" I tried to pled but he got closer and he lifted his arm and punched me in the face, several of times. I kind of lost count of how many times he's punched me.

All I know is that I'm laying on the ground and there's a lot of voice talking to me. Two people were carrying me, I was just trying to keep my focus and not fall asleep.

"Thomas! Thomas! Stay awake man" It was the sound of Clints voice. "I'll get Teresa"

"No! Don't!" I shouted louder than I'd thought, at this moment I didn't care if the gladers find out about me and Newt I just needed him. "Get Newt please, and get him quick and only him" I demanded.

I felt dizzy and everything was going blurry again, then everything went black.


"Thomas? Wake up Thomas!" I heard loud voices. There was someone holding me, they were so warm. I had strength to open up my eyes and there was Newt, holding me, his eyes were full of concern. "Bloody hell Thomas you freaked me out, don't ever go near Gally again" and he held me tighter.

"Newt" I could barley get out of my mouth.

"I'm here for you Thomas and I'll stay here till you get better" Newt's voice got shaky and his eyes filled with tears. Then one of his tears dropped onto my cheek, his face was close enough to kiss.

"Kiss me Newt, I don't care anymore" I requested. I saw Newt looking around the room before looking back at me. I felt more calm in his arm, It was way better than being in Teresa's. She's probably pissed at me but in this moment I didn't care because I have Newt.

He leaned closer and placed his lips onto mine, I didn't regain all my strength back but I was able to kiss him back. When he pulled back he just starred into my eyes and hugged me once again. "I think you need some rest but I'll be here" Newt suggested. He held onto my hands as my eyes gave up and closed due to sleepiness.

"I love you" I heard Newt whisper as I fell into a dream.

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