WICKED takes control (Minho)

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Requested by Kailee

The wind was cold, the atmosphere, frozen. The sunlight, no warmer then the freezing shade. The temperature had always been perfect in the Glade, but not ever since Teresa showed up. She triggered something that made the weather go all weird. That shank stole away your boyfriend too. Every time you tried to talk to Minho, Teresa would lead him away. Wherever Minho sits, Teresa would sit next to him.

The blankets in the Glade had been passed out to each Glader, except to some. They were short on blankets and some Gladers had to suffer the cold. You were one of them, and so was Minho.

You walked off the find Minho, who'd you hoped would keep you warm. The jobs in the Glade were off today as it was way too cold to be outside. Everyone just stayed in the Homestead with the blankets and hot chocolates Frypan kindly made. You walked pass many Gladers, some sleeping trying to quickly pass the day, some playing board games Newt asked WICKED to send up about a month ago, and some just talking. Finally you found Minho...and Teresa.

That was when you saw what was happening, Teresa and Minho sitting and cuddled up in a blanket. You couldn't hold the tears any longer, they poured down you face followed by a regretful sob. Minho and Teresa heard and looked behind at you. Minho's face didn't look sorry, but his eyes looked like they were in torture. You didn't know why, but it was the last thing you were gonna think of.

Minho didn't love you. Even though he'd kiss you goodnight, even though he was the one to bring you breakfast in the mourning, even though he said "Kailee, I love you." every time he felt you forgot, but not this time. And you didn't forget he loved you, you just knew he didn't love you.

"What?" his voice was very cracked, as if he was trying so hard not to let the word slip out of his mouth. "Ca-n't a I share a blanket with a girl." yep, defiantly weird. He just didn't sound the same as he did.

You couldn't handle this, you ran towards the door heading for the Maze. Thomas and Newt chased after you.

"Kailee don't you dare!" Thomas yelled.

"Come back, it's bloody cold outside." yelled Newt.

But you didn't listen, you're legs kept running, your pace getting faster the more closer you got. You finally slammed the door open and ran out. The cold air slapped your face straight away. It was worst than you thought. If you couldn't see the Glade around you, you would had thought you were in a cube of ice.

But that didn't stop your legs now throbbing from the exhaustion. You kept going until you were finally in the Maze. You knew Thomas and Newt kept chasing you, the doors still had hours before closing. Being a runner, you knew the twists and turns of the Maze. You ran and took an unexpected turn into section 2. You quickly took another turn losing Newt and Thomas.

Finally you found a small crack in the stone cold wall just big enough for you to fit into. You crawled into it and mourned. You just lost Minho, and he took everything of you with him. You just needed some peace and quiet and you didn't dare be in the same place as Teresa. If she was gonna be in the Glade, you weren't.

It was almost night now, you were surprised that it had actually gotten quite warm. Maybe the jobs in the Glade had even gone back to normal, you thought. That's when you suddenly heard footsteps, and sobbing coming towards you. The crying and footsteps, got louder by the second, but faded at the next. Someone was clearly looking for you. But why come now when the doors are about to close?

"Kailee!" you heard a shout. It was Minho, but his voice sounded normal.

You crawled out of the small cave like crack you were in.

"Go away Minho!" you yelled.

Minho heard you and ran straight up to you. His eyes were bloodshot with sadness. You were still crying from the previous events and so was Minho.

"Look! I never meant to hurt you. WICKED had me under their control. They wanted to see your reaction if you lost me. I hate Teresa, she's Thomas's not mine. Please forgive me!" he begged.

That would explain why, whenever he spoke before, it sounded like someone was forcing it out of his mouth.

"Fine." you said gently. "But do you really love me or-"

You were cut off by Minho pressing his lips against yours. You tasted his rose red lips. You knew he wanted to show how much he loved you, but this is more than what you thought. Yet you liked it, you liked it a lot. Suddenly, Minho pulled away.

"We should head back. Everyone thinks you've killed yourself. We're all looking for you." Minho said.

"Wait, they're looking for me?"

"Yes. Thomas and Newt cam back to the Glade saying that they lost you. Alby sent Ben, Thomas, Newt, a bunch of runners and I to go find you. We all split up in different sections. I'm just so lucky I found you." Minho explained.

And you were so happy you had him back.

A/N: Well I hoped you liked it Kailee. Sorry it took so long I had assignments and was busy this whole month. And sorry for the suckish title.

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