I blame the rat (Minho)

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A/N: Ok so I am now also doing Scorch Trials imagines too so you can request Aris, Jorge, Brenda or a ship pair etc. Anyways, until then, here's a Minho imagine because YOLO cranks write what they want. Oh and I'm SOOOOOO  SORRYYYYY that I haven't posted in like forever. Please forgive me Gladers, I was going through the dreaded changing (aka, exams). Love ya shanks!

Btws, this includes spoilers considering it's based in the Scorch. Soz!

Thomas. He was gone. Not from life, but Brenda and him got separated from the others during that escape from WICKED in Jorge's hideout. Without knowing where the two were, Minho lead you and the others underground in what seemed like tunnels.

"This is a bad idea." Frypan stated obviously scared.

"It stinks down here." wined Aris.

"Stop shucking complaining slintheads and deal with it! It's either we explore down here for Tommy, and not up there with the cranks." Minho had a great point which shut everybody up.

It was a long, awkward, quiet walk. No one dared to make a sound and Minho was still annoyed. The tunnels were poorly illuminated by the tiny light the torch that Minho carried provided. But it was enough to see the icky and graffiti consumed surface that surrounded you. You badly wanted out, but there was no way you wanted to annoy your boyfriend, and the groups leader.

Ever so slowly, you made your way to the front of the moving group and grabbed Minho hand. It was as soft as a rose petal.

"You alright?" he attempted to keep the question between the two of you, but the silence in the tunnels made it very obvious.

You didn't want to draw attention to yourself, so you replied with a simple yes. The group walked on for about ten minutes. All the twists and turns made you feel as if you were back in the Maze. The last place you wanted to remember. Suddenly, a noise that sounded familiar echoed through the tunnels.

"Ooh, a rat! Remember when I made that rat dish in the Glade?"

"I don't to remember that, Frypan never bloody cook rats again. It tasted like bloody klunk!"

"Sorry Newt."

While those two were having a jolly good talk, you noticed Minho's face looked very fearful.

"What is it babe?"

"This rat's infected with the Flare." he said as he kicked it away scared it may bite someone.

You were about to reply when a hand reached out of the darkness in front of you, and grabbed the rat. This caught everyone's attention. Minho shinned the torch straight ahead to reveal what that was. A crank lying on the ground, took the rat, and bit it's head off swallowing it full. It took you all your will power not to spew up.

Almost immediately, Minho grabbed your hand and ran.

"Guys! We have to go! NOW!!!"

You ran pulled by Minho who was a lot faster than you. Unable to keep up, your legs failed and you tripped.


"YOU SHUCKING BASTARD!!!" you heard Minho yell. You couldn't look up because of the crank, so you just hoped Minho was near.

Suddenly, you felt the weight being tossed off you like someone kicked it. Two hands grabbed your rib cage and helped you up. Immediately, you recognised those hands, Minho.

The rest of the escape was a blur. Someone was carrying you and you guessed it was Minho, but your brain was not processing anything. You couldn't think, all you could do was watch your blurry vision as it slowly faded.

You woke up panting as if you had a nightmare.

"What happened? Where's Minho? Where are we?"

"We got you out and we found Tommy and Brenda. We're back in the bloody Scorch." replied Newt.

You looked around until your eyes fell on Minho, whose eye's were tear filled. You expected him to at least have a smile because you awoke, but he just sat beside you, depressed and sobbing.

"Minho?" you asked shakily. "What's wrong?"

He looked you straight in the eyes. Minho opened his mouth but no words came out.


Finally, he explained.

"You've been scratched, on, on the leg. Your body rea-reacted badly. You're n-not immune."

You felt your eyes tear up. How? No this can't happen! You thought. The last thing you wanted was to become one of 'them'. Lost in your thoughts, you felt a soft kiss on your lips. Surprised, you pulled away. Minho looked heartbroken. Realising it was Minho, you slowly wrapped your hands around his neck, and to his surprised, crashed your lips into his. It felt too amazing for words.

Minho finally pulled away smiling. "Honestly," he said, "I blame the rat."

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