iman <3 angel

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'Hi!' It was her. The woman. From the party. Standing there. In front of me.

'Oh shit what's up?'

'Nothing much, just doing some errands? How about you?' She glowed, literally, I couldn't describe her in any other way.

'I- uh- I'm just out doing the same I guess' I scratched my head, I had to ask her now, or it was never going to happen.


'I was won-'

'Oh I'm sorry' she gleamed 'go ahead.'

'No no, you finish.'

'It wasn't important, go on'

My chest was pounding, I rubbed the back of my neck while gathering up the courage to ask her out, I had planned this for weeks but now standing in front of her I was lost for words 'Um, I was just wondering if you'd like to go out some time?'

'What do you mean by go out? Like a date? Cause I don't really go on dates like that...'

Fuck, this was a mistake.

'It's nothing personal it's just not my thing.'

'Oh, I'm sorry, how about I give you my number just in case? That's if you want to, no pressure or anything.' She looked me in my eyes, and silence filled the gap between us. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. After what felt like a lifetime she answered.

'Sure, but I will block you if you disrupt my sleep, okay?' I chuckled along with her, too happy to say anything, I added my digits other phone trying to keep my composure.

'Your names Angel? That's cute, I like it, I'm Iman, I probably should've said that before.'

'Iman, that's a beautiful name.'

'Thank you, well Angel, I'll see you soon then! Bubye!'

'Seen you.' And with that she was off, now all I had to do was not fuck this up, can't be that hard right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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