i don't drink

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I had promised myself not to go to any more party's since the last one didn't end so well but here I was, three weeks after attempting to settle into this new state, surrounded by a group of half drunk cholos, most of which I didn't know.

A few meters away I saw Oscar, the bald headed leader of the Santos- I would never imagine saying that to his face. He stood talking to a group of his friends, who all looked like trouble in human form.

Destiny, a new friend I had made, invited me to a cook out, initially I said no but her annoying ass somehow managed to convinced me. Now she had left me solo and was nowhere in sight.

It was blazing hot, this West Coast heat was going to take some time to get used and the funky hip hop that was playing in the background was doing me no justice.

After what felt like about an hour of standing I found a spot on a beaten off orange couch and decided I would rest there till I got hold of Destiny again. Engulfed in my own thoughts, I didn't notice the drunk man next to me till he lazily tapped my shoulder.
'Hey-yy hermo-osaa'
I looked towards him, his eyes were low and sunken in, he was definitely on some questionable substance.
'Y-you wanna drink?'
'Sorry, I don't drink' I replied kindly as I didn't want to start anything.
'Cmmon don't be like that lemme get you something' without an response he left to go get something.

Huffing I rolled my eyes, hard headed men were the bane of my life, within a minute he came back to be with a solo cup that contained some brown liquid.

'Bro, I said I don't drink', without care he brought the cup up to my face, 'stop, do your ears not fucking work?'

Out of nowhere a deep voice said 'man, she said she don't drink, leave her' with that the drunk man leaned back and got ready to leave. I turned my head up to look at the man who had said that, his face was familiar but I could trace back to where.

'Ugly bitches really thing their made of gold' the drunk guy muttered under his breath.

'Thank you' I said to the unknown man, he nodded as a response and left with his arm around his new friend. I didn't think much of it but his small action was comforting.

The sun had nearly fully gone down, this meant the party was going to get even louder, a headaches was simmering in my head would not allow me to stay any longer.

I finally got up from my comfortable position to look for Destiny, by the looks of it as she wasn't outside so I took it upon myself to enter through the back door.

Shit. Inside was packed finding him was going to be a manhunt. I weaved my way through crowds of people mostly cholas who were scanning me. There she was in all her glory, Destiny seated  on the couch and flashing off her white smile.

I went behind her and leaned into her ear.

' Yo, I'm heading home, it getting late'
Loudly she replied with 'girl, we only just got here, sit'

She tugged at the fabric of my shirt, but my mind was made up. I could feel the eyes of the group of people he was talking to staring onto my soul.

'I'll text you when I get home okay?, okay.'
'Fine, be safe' she said with slight judgment.

And with that I left.

Whilst walking home that deep voices man and his words played in my head, this is not the time to be falling in love I told myself.

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