not by the moon

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Looking up at the sky had never been so tranquil. Me and my housemate, Destiny, decided to take a walk and we some how managed to end up on a mountain
We started talking about useless things, nothing of particular interest, but now we found ourself in silence in our own world. I was lying down on my back whilst Destiny sat looking over the beaming city.

'So, who was that guy you were talking to?' Surprised by her out of the blue question I shot her a confused look,
'What guy?'
'Girl don't lie to me, I saw you at that party with that one fine ass cholo'

'Nonono, it's not like that. I swear down I'm not dealing with men and their antics'
She gave me a side eye, but I continued to look at the constellations above.
'And never mind me how's your love life, you thirsting over wack ass men?'
'Yess sir, you know me too well.' She chuckled.

To tell the truth, I did have a moment of consideration of that guy, but it wasn't enough to overtake my common sense. I had just moved to a new state that was hours away from home, with only one friend, two hair ties and three packets of noodles to my name. The last part may have been an overreaction but falling in love with men is a dangerous game, that I don't have time for. I do not want to have my heart broken nor do I have the desire to have my nose shattered my an egotistic male, or anyone really. So I shook of the feeling as soon as I felt it creeping into my head.

We spent the rest of the night engulfed the the beauty of the sky and small conversations not realising that we had both failed to keep track to the time that had passed.


It was now morning and I had two hours to get ready for my first day at my real job.

I shook Destiny up from her deep slumber, 'yo, I gotta go work, get your unemployed ass up'
Giving me a side eye she rubbed her sleepy face and got up.

Whilst walking down the hill we saw a red low rider parked be the sidewalk accompanied by a few young men, walked quickly passed and avoided any interaction with them making sure not to draw attention to the fact that we were two girls walking alone in the morning.


Anyways, I arrived home and got dressed in a pink blouse and some black trousers. I had washed my face with lukewarm water and applied a generous layer of sunblock to my skin. My ruffled hair was let down and tucked behind my ears, which had my favourite pairs of mini hoops on, that matched perfectly with my nose ring which was gifted by my mother two years ago.

I leaned close and took a long look at myself in the mirror, this is who I was now. My fingers ran over my cheekbone and jaw, and straightened out my shirt with a deep breath. I hadn't looked like this in over a year, it felt different and unfamiliar but somehow I wasn't threatened by the unfamiliarity rather it was soothing to know that I was making a leap into the journey of adulthood.

I took one last look in the mirror before taking my purse and heading down the iron stairs, now I am ready to go and teach for the first time in a year.


The day had gone well, I taught double business with 12th graders today, and they received me pretty well, aside from a group of guys at the back who decided to have a row mid lesson.  The teachers were kind and the students were typical, everything went just fine so much so that I had been invited to the football game this weekend.

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