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The two of you made your way out of the meeting room together whilst casually making some friendly small talk, and once you got out you turned towards him and hummed softly, flashing him a soft smile as you spoke in a calm and professional manner 

Jungkook: Alright well you've already familiarized yourself with our meeting room so I'll spare you from that introduction, anyway I'll just proceed with a brief office tour from here, oh and don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!

He returned your warm smile and nodded in acknowledgment before you began to lead him towards the break room and overall hangout area of the office, perfectly being lit up by the natural sunlight shining in through the big new york style windows this building had, making this office seem all the more bright and welcoming

You happily began to explain the essentially obvious of what this area was used for, as well as where he could find the snacks and drink options whilst he looked around the space, earning a soft chuckle from the male as he nonetheless nodded along whilst admiring the prettily decorated room, gently reaching up and gracing one of the many plants that could be found neatly spread out here and there throughout the whole office

Jungkook: -either way we have everything needed here so all you need to do is follow the coffee machine's instructions! Oh- but you do need to bring your own coffee mug!

A soft and sheepish smile spread on your lips as you turned to face Taehyung whilst gesturing towards the cup stand on the counter, neatly holding 4 very aesthetically different cups

Taehyung: Oh sure, I don't mind that. Is there a specific reason or?

The fairly new system had been implemented recently in the hopes of avoiding what used to be hills worth of unwashed coffee cups gathering on the desks, almost like some sort of an odd exhibition that certainly no one would enjoy seeing

Now admittedly 98% of those mentioned cups might've belonged to you, but either way, the system had managed to help you prevent those unwelcoming hills from building up again, so that's what mattered right?

Jungkook: Well let's just say... It's to keep the office space cleaner during busy days?

This earned a soft snicker out of the male in front of you, and you were almost certain he was able to take somewhat of a wild guess and figure out why the "bring-your-own-cup" system was there

Nonetheless, you cleared your throat before the two of you proceeded to head over to the desk area, giving him a brief fill-in on who sits where as well as their roles on the team, and some other basic information that he would need

Also of course making sure to answer Taehyung whenever he would jump in to ask about something

Jungkook: -which is why they all don't have anything to work on at the moment, but I'm hoping to have the base down for the prologue and first chapter soon and then we'll all get to start working here as a team! Oh- and here's your desk!

A cheerful smile painted your lips as you gently tapped the somewhat empty desk you stood next to, it was a bit plain in contrast to the decorated ones next to it, but you were certain it soon enough will fit perfectly in

Jungkook: As you can see we've only got the computer, monitor, and drawing tablet here for you, so please feel free to personalize your desk however you want!

He eyed the desk happily and then glanced back over at you for confirmation as he sat down in his seat

Taehyung: Can I really?

This earned a soft giggle out of you as you nodded encouragingly at him, happy to see him look excited over working here

Jungkook: Of course! As you probably have noticed we all just add our personal touches to the workspace to make it feel as creatively comfortable as possible, so please feel free to do the same!

A hum of acknowledgment left his lips whilst you flashed him yet another warm smile, looking around the office as you shrugged softly

Jungkook: Either way, this is essentially it for the office tour. As you must've noticed the space might not be as big as you're used to from your previous internship spots, but it has its own charm.

He smiled warmly and you could practically see the excitement glimmering in his eyes despite his calm demeanor as he looked at you

Taehyung: This is more than enough Jungkook-sshi, I actually love it here so far. Heck I would even argue that this place has more charm than any of the other places I've worked at previously

Another warm giggle left your lips as you reached over and patted his shoulder in a friendly manner, feeling slightly flattered by his kind praise

Jungkook: Well we are really happy to have you on our team, and I look forward to working with you in the future Taehyung-sshi

Taehyung: Likewise Jungkook-sshi.

You then briefly glanced down at your wristwatch before looking back over at him as you spoke up

Jungkook: Alright well if you don't have any more questions then I think we can call it a day, I should also get back to work now so-

Taehyung raised his eyebrows slightly as he let out a soft ''Oh!'', a boxy grin now painting his lips once again as he somewhat interrupted you

Taehyung: -No worries, I'll stay and help you out.

This made you blink dumbfoundedly for a moment before you shook your head and flashed him a reassuring smile

Jungkook: Oh you don't have to do that, I've already kept you here long enough today and I'm sure you've got other plans tonight

He only shook his head calmly as he turned towards his desk and began to turn on the equipment, his demeanor suddenly switching from his bubbly and excited one, to a more concentrated and professional one as he simply reminded you of what you clearly seemed to have forgotten

Taehyung: Jungkook-sshi may I remind you my job is to be your creative assistant, of course I'll stay here and help you out. Besides, as I mentioned earlier my schedule today is completely free, now shall we begin?

You momentarily paused as you watched him begin to log in and set up everything whilst processing his words, and once you snapped out of your surprised state realizing he was in fact correct, a breathy laugh left your lips as you nodded as and headed over to your own desk

Jungkook: Oh- yeah you're right, seems I still haven't gotten used to that part just yet. Anyway, well let's get started then

˜"°•.˜"°• - •°"˜.•°"˜


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