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The segment where the reporters were able to start asking their questions seemed to be going smoothly this far, as most of their questions thankfully were targeted towards the director and actors, wishing to know more details about the filming process and potentially dive into any mention-worthy stories from behind the scenes of the production

Though of course, you got a question every now and then as well, most of which being easy to respond to, though one certainly managed to surprise you a little with their somewhat blunt question

Reporter: Hello I'm Sam from W-News and I have a question for Jungkook. In your webcomic 'Mono' you purposely cut out the erotic scenes from your work, only leaving hints of what happened to the readers, and later gave the director free hands with how much he wanted to show of it in the tv series adaptation, correct?

His informal tone and way of addressing you certainly irked you a little bit, but you nodded nonetheless in confirmation as you raised the mic up to your lips, uttering out a "Yes that's correct sir" whilst flashing him a respectful smile

Reporter: Our question is, how are you planning on handling the promised erotic scenes in your new webcomic, as you clearly don't have any experience with the matter yourself. Wouldn't it be too difficult?

You couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up at the mention of your inexperience, and rightfully so as it maybe wasn't the most flattering topic to be talking about in front of a large group of strangers whom certainly had no business knowing about your personal life— and especially sex life, though you kept your composure as you let out a low and breathy chuckle into the mic

Jungkook: Lack of experience doesn't automatically have to mean it can't be done well, sure it might be a little challenge, but I don't see any reason as to why it would be "too difficult" as you called it. All I can say is I hope the readers look forward to seeing me step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself with this!

A proud grin spread on your lips as your response earned supportive cheers from the crowd of fans, after all, two can play this game and the free promotion of your new webcomic that you just got thanks to him wasn't all too bad, however, you instantly found yourself tensing up as he fired right back at you with yet another daring question

Reporter: Then I'd like to ask you about your recent scandal regarding plagiarism, what is your input on the events that unfolded?

It was now quite evident that this reporter and the station he worked for had no other motives than to try and stirrup drama for publicity, so you made a mental note for yourself not to take on any eventual questions from them in the future

The bitter yet still respectful smile currently painting your lips probably said it all as you cocked your head to the side lightly, dismissing his uncalled for topic as nicely as you possibly could

Jungkook: My input was already posted publicly on my profile, and I think I've said more than enough there. Now can we circle back to–

Reporter: –if you were innocent, then why did it take so long for you to put out a statement Jungkook? And how do you expect your readers to trust you won't just result in copying another artist's erotic scenes in the future?

This immediately seemed to set aflame the crowd of reporters, as they eagerly began pushing forward with more and more questions about the scandal, seeing it as a good opportunity to get some statements from you in person about the relatively fresh topic

- Fuck, on second thought maybe those articles about your nonexistent love and sex life would've been better.

It inevitably became a bit overwhelming, as you could barely begin answering one question before you were interrupted by a tenfold more, constantly cutting you off before you even managed to say anything in your defense

However, in the midst of the chaos, you widened your eyes in slight surprise as the previously empty seat beside you on the couch suddenly got weighed down by an all too familiar male whom sat down next to you, gently requesting for you to pass over the mic before grabbing it out of your hold, turning his gaze back towards the crowd as he confidently sat by your side and spoke up

Taehyung: Good evening everyone and please pardon my sudden entry, my name is Kim Taehyung and I am Jeon Jungkooks's creative assistant. I'll help him answer any questions regarding this topic, as it seems there's a lot that still needs to be cleared up here.

And with that, you watched in amazement as he skillfully managed to answer their questions one by one, swiftly shutting down anyone who made an attempt in trying to question your innocence with the actual facts

When Sam made yet another attempt to cause trouble, he was shut down by Taehyung before he even had the chance to truly begin, the harsh and stern tone he spoke in even making you shiver slightly from the unexpected coldness

Reporter: Jungkook then elaborate why-

Taehyung: -That would be Mr.Jeon to you, I'm sure your station must've taught you about showing respect, did they not?

- Damn, who could've known this normally bubbly personality could be this scary

His words immediately halted in surprise as he looked rather taken aback by the clear warning, and it earned a mere stutter like ''Y-yes they did, but I just-'' only to be shut up once again by Taehyung as he cocked his head to the side, the annoyed smirk painting his lips accompanied by a very evident glare in his eyes probably intimidating the reporter a little

Taehyung: Then we'd all appreciate it if you would mind your words from now on, as you're being blatantly disrespectful right now.

This made a warm smile begin to paint your lips as you glanced over at Taehyung, feeling ever so grateful towards him for having selflessly stepped up to help you like this, and it had given you the time you needed to once again gather your composure and snap out of your overwhelmed state before more confidently joining into the conversation again

Not to mention, the topic swiftly ended up changing once again, as everyone was now much more interested in knowing more about you and your creative assistant, and just like that the final segment smoothly wrapped up

So after respectfully saying your goodbyes to the reporters and fans, you all now walked off of the stage together, most people now heading over to the afterparty of this event, though Taehyung nudged your shoulder before gesturing towards the exit

Taehyung: Did you want to attend the after-party, or shall we head out?

This earned a soft giggle out of you, as you glanced around your surrounding to make sure no one was watching you both, before turning towards him with a playful grin plastered on your lips

Jungkook: Let's get out of here, what do you say we grab a celebratory drink together instead?

He chuckled softly before nodding in approval, and just like that the two of you snuck out of the event hall together, leaving the event early despite technically being one of the main guests, after all, what happened earlier surely was enough chaos for today.

˜"°•.˜"°• - •°"˜.•°"˜


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