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| Later that night...

Time always seemed to pass by so fast when you were working, seven hours just flew by in the blink of an eye, and despite your previous doubts about working with a creative assistant, you ended up being pleasantly surprised as you found working together with Taehyung far more effective than you first had anticipated

Having always been the type of writer who had tons of ideas floating around their head just waiting to come to life, yet not ever being able to properly formulate those plans and explanations for those same ideas to anyone else to save your damn life, automatically just made you expect this whole creative assistant ordeal to go down the drain

After all, how were you supposed to direct someone if you yourself couldn't even explain your own ideas properly?

Though to your surprise, after a little bit of messily trying to elaborate on your vague future plans for the story, Taehyung was somehow able to gather all important information from your rambling and actually formulate up a very accurate story plan for you

How he did that, you had a hard time understanding, but nonetheless, he did. And you were sure this was going to be of great help to not only ensure you kept the story going in the right direction but also a great way for you to keep track of everything so you don't accidentally miss out on any important details you had planned out

Now all that was left was for you to get a good start on your story, as you knew once you got over the rough bump of the first 10-15 episodes or so, you were bound to get a better creative flow after seeing how people were reacting to the first episodes

Either way, the prologue which you originally had expected to take another couple of days for you to finish, ended up being done together with Taehyung within the first half of the night and now all that was left was for you to run the draft through the rest of your team for some final touch-ups, and then it would be ready to be published

Heck you had even been able to start drafting up the first chapter, which felt like a huge success in the fight against your creative block, and a bubbly excitement began to fill your chest at the thought of being able to officially publish the prologue in the near future

Soon the delicious scent of freshly made coffee brought you out of your focused state as you leaned back in your seat and stretched lightly, watching as Taehyung walked over and placed down one of the coffee cups onto your desk, having just made himself a hot cappuccino and oh so kindly an iced latte for you which you happily picked up

Jungkook: This is exactly what I needed right now, thank you Taehyung-sshi

He childishly clinked his cup together with your own before finally letting you take the much-needed sip out of the caffeinated drink, earning a soft chuckle out of Taehyung as he sipped his own drink whilst heading back to his desk, continuing to color in one of the drafts you had sent him

Taehyung: I have no idea how you enjoy your cold coffee so much Jungkook-sshi, especially during this cold weather, is it not the same as just leaving a hot cup of coffee out to cool and then drinking it?

A breathy laugh left your lips as you adjusted your blue light glasses whilst humming in amusement at his somewhat teasing remark

Jungkook: Well I would argue the taste strongly differs from an originally hot drink that's gone cold, besides its far more refreshing, and unlike hot drinks, I don't have to worry about burning myself nor my coffee tasting bad after its "gone cold"

This made a warm chuckle rumble out of Taehyungs chest as he shook his head, eyes still focused on his own monitor yet you didn't miss the way he playfully rolled them at your response

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