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| Mature scene ahead for those
who prefer to skip it

After having confirmed the older indeed was suggesting what you had presumed he was, a deep shade of crimson immediately began to spread on your cheeks whilst he slowly towered over you, automatically making you lean backwards until your back eventually hit the soft mattress below you— though Taehyung made sure to still keep some distance between you both; serving as a silent and wordless reminder that you could push him away whenever if you so wished to

Taehyung: Only if you are comfortable with it though Gguk, if not then we won't.

The words of reassurance made a soft smile find its way onto your lips as you shyly nodded, whispering out a faint yet certain ''G-go ahead hyung...'' which earned a fond smile from the older before he finally leaned down closing the little distance that was left between you both— capturing your lips in a heated kiss which he then began to trail down your jaw and neck, leaving the occasional marks which you'd have to cover up later somehow; though you could honestly care less about such trivial matters right now

Pleasured sighs left your lips every now and then as he simultaneously let his hands travel under the fabric of your shirt, allowing his cold fingertips to grace over the most sensitive areas of your skin causing shivers to run down your spine from the pleasant sensation

In the midst of what so far had been a sensually gentle touch, your breath hitched in surprise as you immediately had to bite back a moan upon feeling how his knee purposely moved up to rub up against your crotch in a circular and teasing motion, and he snickered at the reaction it had earned out of you before leaning down to your ear— giving it a gentle peck whilst he spoke softly

Taehyung: What's your stop word angel? Gonna need to establish one in case it gets too overwhelming for you later on pretty.

A shaky breath left your lips feeling how his words only made the butterflies in your chest and stomach double and intensify, though you pulled yourself together and thought about his question for a moment— recalling how you had read about some common safe word examples at some point before choosing the one you found to be most fitting; whispering out a soft ''Mercy" as a response, which earned a nod of acknowledgment from the older

Though when he then proceeded to pull away from you shortly after, a confused pout found its way onto your lips as you propped yourself up on your elbows— looking up at him with a puzzled expression as you hesitantly pulled on his shirt's sleeve

Jungkook: W-wait, where are you going hyung? I wasn't telling you to stop just now–

His focused gaze momentarily softened as he covered his mouth to mute a soft chuckle, mumbling out a barely audible ''How adorable...'' whilst he focused his gaze back down at you, hand caressing your cheek fondly as he spoke reassuringly

Taehyung: I know and I'm not going anywhere pup, don't worry.

Jungkook: Then why did you get up...?

This time he let the deep chuckle bubble past his lips as he briefly broke eye contact to crouch down in front of you, helping you remove your pants and boxers in a swift move before letting his hooded eyes travel back over to your own— a teasing hum leaving his lips as he began placing feather-like kisses dangerously high up on your inner, enjoying how his action fueled your flustered state

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