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When Taehyungs oddly detailed rant suddenly came to a startled halt, almost as if he himself only then seemed to realize just what he had been saying, you couldn't help but feel how your lips parted slightly out of surprise before you eventually forced yourself to whisper out a quiet and somewhat reluctant ''...Hyung?''; near instantly seeming to trigger a rosy blush which now rapidly began to spread across his cheeks, only making your confusion grow even stronger

Taehyung:  Oh f-fuck, I should've just shut up, I'm sorry...

Were you just imagining things, or had those passionate rambles just now actually been based on his personal experience; and if so, then could it be—... n-no, there's no way he possibly could have been referring to...?

Another soft yet also mildly panicked profanity escaped past the older lips as he avoided looking into your widened doe eyes, visibly tensing up once you finally mustered up the courage to utter out a curious ''What you said just now, i-is that all true...?''— which surprisingly only made the blush on his cheeks grow a shade darker. The older ended up wavering for a brief moment as if he was carefully contemplating on how to answer you, before finally giving an honest and slow nod in confirmation, shyly hiding his face behind his hands whilst speaking quietly

Taehyung: I was afraid it'd make you uncomfortable if you found out– especially since you obviously didn't know me back during our Uni days, so I thought it was for the better if I just kept it to myself and didn't say anything about my longtime crush on you at all... Though I obviously failed that miserably because here I am, stupidly revealing it all— in the messiest and most unattractive way possible, may I add...

A soft sigh then left his lips while his hands which had been hiding his face slowly dropped down to his lap; voice remaining faint and almost whisper-like when he continued to speak up

Taehyung: Not to mention I was really scared you'd think I was selfishly using you because of my feelings, especially given how we ended up sleeping together later on— w-which I'm aware started entirely because of the offer I made to help you out, and it certainly doesn't make my words more believable... b-but I really want to assure you I never intended to use nor hurt you in any way! I knew I eventually had to bring it up b-but I just couldn't muster up the courage to bring it up... I'm really sorry Gguk

It almost felt like the world stopped for a moment as you tried to process the meaning of his words; double checking, no– triple checking, just to ensure you weren't dreaming or somehow had heard him wrong, only to feel how your face slowly began to flush a flustered shade of red whilst your legs giddily wiggled underneath the covers in a subtle banner; trying your best to contain the bubbly excitement you felt as you timidly bit back a warm smile— which completely went unnoticed by Taehyung whom still kept his head lowered apologetically

Jungkook: H-hyung—

Taehyung: Listen, I totally understand if you're mad or weirded out by all of this, b-but I—

Jungkook: Hyung! L-Look at me...

When he rather dreadfully proceeded to raise his head and finally looked over at you, his expression slowly began to gradually lighten up— eyes widening slightly in a pleasant surprise upon now noticing how your doe ones were sparkling from a flustered joy; body language clearly portraying anything but the negative reaction he so surely seemed to have expected to receive from of you

Jungkook: I believe you hyung, you've done more than enough to prove your actions never were merely for personal gain. Oh a-and I'm not mad or weirded out at all by what you told me, maybe a little— o-or well quite surprised by it yes, but not in a bad way! If anything then I'd say I'm really... happy.

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