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Strangely enough; time just seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye whenever you hung out with Taehyung— and before either of you knew it, a little over 2 hours had already passed managed to go by whilst the two of you explored and admired the aquarium together.

And so after realizing how much time had gone by, not to mention how all of the aquarium naturally had been explored after all that time, the two of you ended up agreeing that your time inside could be concluded as you began making your way out of there.

Though upon exiting the gates which lead visitors back to the lobby, you suddenly felt Taehyung excitedly tug at the fabric of your shirt whilst he pointed at the gift shop to your right; an excited glimmer now lighting up his eyes as he smiled brightly down at you

Taehyung: Gguk look there's a gift shop, let's go have a look!

Despite hearing your displeased mumbles about how gift shops were mere profit tactics considering everything inside them usually was ridiculously overpriced— the older remained unfazed as he gently dragged you along with him into the mentioned shop; letting his bubbly personality take over as he began to play around with the different items and plushies, evidently making attempts to conquer the playfully displeased looks you were giving him

However, you couldn't help but let a warm giggle escape past your lips at his frankly adorable gestures, and when the older excitedly brought you over to the headband section of the shop, he excitedly picked out the bunny headband from the display which he then put onto you as you grumbled softly

Jungkook: ...Why do they even have these animal headbands here? We're at an aquarium, not a zoo...

He grinned warmly whilst he turned you around to face the full body mirror behind you, making a faint blush begin to spread across your cheeks as the two of you made eye contact through the mirror, his hand accidentally— or purposely remaining at the curve of your waist whilst he stood right behind you, voice seemingly dropping an octave when he responded

Taehyung: They have them so that cute little buns such as yourself can try them on.

You huffed softly as you shyly tore your gaze away from his, uttering out a soft ''W-Whatever'' whilst undeniably feeling your heart race at the close contact of his figure slightly pressing up against your back. So to hopefully distract the older from witnessing the visibly deepening blush on your cheeks, you swiftly reached over and grabbed the bear headband from the display before turning around to face him, tiptoeing a little so that you could place the headband onto his head as a soft smile spread on your lips

Jungkook: Then hyung also needs to wear one, t-this one is a perfect fit don't you agree?

A soft chuckle bubbled past his lips as he looked down at you, playfully nudging your chin upwards as he raised a teasing eyebrow whilst letting out a curious ''Oh is that so?'', to which you hummed and slowly nodded in approval— trying not to show just how flustered the man was capable of making you feel even with the simplest actions

Nonetheless, the mild tension between you both ended up being broken when the sound of a phone; or more specifically your phone ringing caught the both of your attentions, and so you swiftly excused yourself and took off the headband before exiting the shop so that you could answer the incoming call— only to scoff softly as it ended up being a mere scam call which you hung up on rather quickly

It didn't take long before the older joined your side once again, however, he didn't come empty-handed as you couldn't help but notice the shopping bag he carried, making you raise a curious eyebrow at the older

Jungkook: You still bought something from there?

He nodded proudly as he opened the bag, taking out a small and rather adorable turtle plushie as well as two pretty mix-match baby blue keychains which he gently held in his big hands, grinning warmly as you eyed them in slight surprise

Taehyung: I thought you could use a little friend as a reminder of today's visit— oh and pretty keychains are always nice right?

Though just as you were about to open your mouth to softly argue against his expensive gift purchase, the older swiftly pressed his finger against your lips to shut you up before speaking in a defensive manner

Taehyung: Na-uh I know what you're about to say, and I'm gonna go ahead and stop you right there petal. I can easily afford this for you, and besides, you couldn't possibly say no to this cute little fella right?

The older then cutely made the plushie face him before turning it to face you again; almost as if it was asking for confirmation of his words, before then proceeding to playfully make the plushie snuggle up to your neck which instantly earned a soft ticklish giggle out of you

Knowing the older naturally wasn't going to give up anytime soon— not that you actually wanted him to either, you finally accepted his heartfelt gift, hugging it gently up to your chest whilst whispering out a soft yet genuine ''Thank you'' to him, which earned a reassuring nod out of the older as you both began to finally exit the building together

Now as the two of you slowly began to walk side by side until you reached the semi-busy streets outside, you both eventually came to an awkward halt as you looked around before turning towards each other; realizing you had just been mindlessly walking without a destination at this point

Jungkook&Taehyung: So what now?—

Though surprisingly your stomachs ended up simultaneously growling as an evident suggestion towards what your next destination should be, making you both near-instantly burst into a fit of amused chuckles and giggles at the hilarious timing

Today sure has had its interesting twists and turns, to say the very least. However, it was all so worth it.

˜"°•.˜"°• - •°"˜.•°"˜


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