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By now the sky was painted in beautiful dark sunset hues as Taehyung and you slowly walked down the semi-crowded street which follows alongside the Han River, hands intimately interlocked and swaying lightly when you walked— though a sigh soon emitted past your lips followed by a regretfully grumbled out ''... I shouldn't have gone tonight, I ended up ruining it for everyone'', quickly earning a gentle but reassuring hand squeeze from Taehyung whilst he slowly shook his head in disagreement with your words

Taehyung: Don't say that petal, the only one at fault is that rotten bastard— you've done nothing wrong.

The older then grumbled out a low and barely audible ''Speaking of which— honestly should've thrown in a couple more punches when I still had the chance''— a statement which earned a playfully scolding glare from you as a soft chuckle left your lips; nudging his side gently while a sheepish smile pulled at Taehyungs lips

Jungkook: Well good thing you didn't, I'd prefer not having to spend the rest of the night at the police station with you and that jerk— besides, fighting never solves anything hyung.

Taehyung: ...Fair point, but you can't tell me that idiot didn't deserve those punches.

You rolled your eyes lightly but eventually nodded in defeat as you couldn't help but agree— admittedly even having wished to punch the male at least once yourself; though it was obviously better that you managed to refrain from that urge.

Nonetheless, despite the olders gentle attempts to cheer you up, your shoulders still eventually ended up slumping sadly while a subtle pout remained on your lips— unable to shake the sense of disappointment that uncomfortably lingered in your chest

Jungkook: I just wish I had the courage to step up to him earlier... Hadn't I just sat there silently for so long then maybe—

Before you could complete your sentence, Taehyung suddenly stopped right in front of you; his other hand now gently reaching up to carefully caress your cheek ever so softly— being extra careful in not pressing down too hard, nor accidentally gracing over the small cuts on your cheek and bottom lip

Taehyung: Jungkook-ah... Don't be so hard on yourself, angel. Standing up to people like that is much easier said than done, and for what it's worth, I genuinely think you handled the situation way better than I ever could've in your position.

A gentle smile tugged at his lips as he looked down at you with such a loving gaze, and you instinctively leaned into his comforting touch— another faint sigh soon emitting past your lips as you whispered out to him while momentarily closing your weary eyes

Jungkook: Even so, I had hoped that by keeping silent and letting him spout all the nonsense he wanted at me, then somehow it would at least help keep him from ruining the night for everyone else— though obviously that worked out for the worse, and I only threw oil into the fire when I couldn't bite my tongue anymore...

Taehyung: And I'm so glad you mustered up the courage to talk back my love, he doesn't deserve your patience nor respect— and you certainly do not owe it to our classmates to silently take all that crap from him for the sake of their peace.

The older then leaned in to press a loving kiss onto your forehead whilst whispering out a tender ''I just hope you know how proud I am of you Jungkook-ah'' before pulling you into a short but love-filled kiss— finally making a genuine smile begin to pull at your lips while Taehyungs hands sneakily settled at the curve of your waist; subtly pulling you closer to himself whilst soothingly stroking the sides of your waist.

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