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Upon eventually reaching the street located outside of the station, Taehyungs firm and protective hold on your hand gradually began to loosen until he entirely let go when your steps slowly came to a halt— his broad back remaining faced towards you while a frustrated groan suddenly left his lips, voice coming off as agitated, loud and nearly growled out once he finally spoke up whilst running his fingers through his dark brown locks

Taehyung: I can't fucking believe that woman, I was trying so hard to keep quiet and stay put back there but when that arrogant remorseless little brat— 

However, the older unexpectedly ended up abruptly halting his angered rants in the very midst of his sentence, almost as if he came to realize something. Yet despite that, you merely continued to keep your head lowered while your slightly trembling hands fidgeted with the hem of your shirt silently; a silence which apparently seemed to alarm the older further, whom now had fully turned towards you with an evident glint of worry painting over his expression— voice immediately lowering to nearly a mere whisper as he took a hesitant step towards you

Taehyung: S-Sorry for raising my voice just now Gguk, I hope I didn't startle you too much... I was— no, I still am, really pissed off after hearing the way she talked to you just now... I didn't mean for that anger to project onto you though, I'm sorry Jungkook-ah

A faint smile began to tug at your lips while you slowly shook your head reassuringly, though Taehyung didn't seem all too convinced by it since he took yet another step closer to you before reaching down to ever so gently cup your cheek— caressing the skin tenderly while he simultaneously raised your head so that you would look into his eyes, noticeably putting more effort into ensuring his tone remained gentle and almost whisper-like as he spoke to you

Taehyung: Talk to me petal... What's weighing your heart down?

You thought for a moment whilst looking into his worried eyes, only to shrug moments later— not because you wanted to be difficult, rather it was just hard to pinpoint what exactly it was that you were feeling right at this moment; though what you knew for certain, was that you didn't feel okay after the unpleasant encounter just now

Jungkook: I don't know hyung... I think I just want to get away from here?

He nodded reassuringly whilst simultaneously reaching to tenderly fix some strands of hair for you, a warm smile tugging at his lips while he hummed softly

Taehyung: Well in that case, may I interest you in some well-deserved breakfast neither of us have had yet? We could even go to one of those fancy breakfast & brunch places if you want— my treat of course!

Your doe eyes widened slightly while you swiftly piped out a flustered ''N-no fancy stuff, let's just go to a normal café hyungie'', earning a soft chuckle out of the older whom then nodded in acknowledgment before gesturing for the two of you to begin walking towards the café you both frequent— which thankfully only was a couple of blocks away from your current location.

Though after a little while of walking, the older suddenly widened his eyes before swiftly turning towards you while tugging at your shirt gently; almost seeming like a kicked puppy which at first had you worrying something was horribly wrong

Taehyung: —this can't count as our first official date though! I want to make that day more pleasantly memorable and special for you...

A timid blush gradually dusted over your cheeks at his pouty words before you bit back a warm smile while whispering out a barely audible ''Spending time together with you is always special though...''— which didn't go unheard by the older since a bubbly grin now appeared on his lips while he smoothly held your hand, swinging them gently in the air whilst mumbling out a soft ''The feeling is mutual bun''

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