Chapter Five

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He's the real reason why literally anyone gets convinced to become a part of the AoT fandom (I can hear you fangirls screaming even when I can't see you)

Levi's POV

There was something going on with that brat. She had been acting strange since this morning, like she were sick or something, but she wasn't even telling anybody what her problem was and it honestly broke my heart, which was an emotion I hadn't sensed in a long while. But it did break my heart. It broke my heart to think that that little brat could be facing some issue all on her own and refusing to let us know about it; refusing to let us help her with it. It was all I'd been able to think about throughout the entire day, wondering how she had been completely normal when she had gone to bed last night and how she had woken up looking slightly pale. I had almost considered telling her to sleep in for the day but despite despite the texture of her skin, the childish liveliness of her attitude had persisted and I'd decided to let her go about her routine as usual, thinking that maybe interacting with everybody else would help her feel better.

However, when I went to pick her up from Erwin's office for her study session, she nearly looked as ashen as a corpse. A headache, was what I'd distinctly heard her say to Erwin. But then, instead of saying that she needed to go to the infirmary, she ran out of the room and caused that huge mishap with the gear. But the gear had been the least of my concerns at that time when I'd seen my little Evelyn bleeding. And then she'd started crying about how I shouldn't have taken the blame for her in front of Erwin while I'd been bandaging her.

It was ridiculous how innocent and adorable she was.

I had been skeptical about the idea of a child living at a military base ever since that shitty Four Eyes suggested it and had vehemently protested against said idea, but Erwin somehow agreed with that idiot. What had peeved me even more was that it was the same kid who'd yelled false insults at us in Trost, the same kid related to that Jaeger brat. What kind of behaviour could I expect from a kid related to a nutcase like that Jaeger brat?

But when I'd met her again, things had been different. The way she hugged her brother had made me realize that she was just a kid with a pure heart who had been trying to protect her family at all costs, regardless of what she had to go through to achieve her goal. She knew how to scream and put up a fight in an unfavorable situation, and yet she also knew how to be shy and polite in a favorable situation.

I suppose that was why, in some ways, she reminded me of both Isabel and Farlan. An old wound had been reopened but for once, I welcomed the pain that came with the reopening of that wound. For once, in all the time that had passed since I'd buried those two fragments of my heart, somebody had promised to try and make me smile. Evelyn was such a cute child that it was insufferable but somehow, for that very reason, I'd grown to love her just as much as everyone else, if not more. Now my bed felt unbearably empty if she chose to bunk with that gloomy Ackerman brat for even one night.

But at the present moment, I was livid at that disobedient little brat, especially because she was not the type of child to frequently disobey her elders. I had finally convinced myself to smile in front of her and let her know just how much she meant to me, hoping that she would cease her crying and return to her normal bubbly self. Instead, she ran away to Hange's office. But when I reached Hange's office, she wasn't there either.

"Are you sure she said that she was coming to my office?"

Four Eyes questioned doubtfully as we walked down the hallway outside their office, and I sneered angrily. I was already both pissed and slightly worried too about where that little brat had run off too, so Hange doubting the credibility of my words was the last thing I needed to deal with right now. And Hange, of all people, should've known that I would never just make things up after having worked closely with me for quite some many years.

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