Chapter Three

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The resident mad scientist whose gender I have STILL not figured out.

Evelyn's POV

I stared at Hange after hearing what they just said, before my lips split into a huge grin and I tightly wrapped my arms around their neck, hugging them tight.

"Thank you!"

I yelled happily.

Hange remained silent for a moment, before wrapping their arms around me as well and returning the hug.

"No problem, kid. Welcome to your new home."

They pulled away from the hug and set me down on the ground at which I instantly ran back to Armin and Mikasa and twirled around to show them my new cape. They both smiled and kept praising me about how great it looked on me until Hange spoke up again.

"We should get going now."

They gestured at the castle behind them.

"I've gotta give Evelyn a tour of the place as well."


I beamed brightly and ran over to Hange to grab their hand, startling them a bit. They were probably surprised about the sudden change in my attitude since I wasn't even able to talk without stuttering only a few minutes ago, but that was just it. If somebody managed to be really friendly to me for even a few minutes, then I too would manage to become pretty comfortable around them within only a few minutes. Hange seemed to realize that a moment later, and returned my smile before starting to walk me away; Mr. Moblit, Armin and Mikasa right behind us.

"I didn't know the base of the Survey Corps was a cwastle."

"Oh, that's because the Survey Corps stopped using this place a long time ago. But now that we need a big field close to a forest for the extremely special training your brother requires, Erwin decided to shift us back to the castle base. Don't worry, you'll like it there! Well, except for the..."

Hange suddenly smirked down at me and I raised a brow, uncertain of what they planned to say next.


"The ghost that roams the halls after twelve midnight."

I lowered my brow and rolled my eyes.

"Hange, there's no such thing as ghosts. They're only fwictional charwactwers."

"Whoa! How are you so smart for a little five-year old?!"

Hange exclaimed so loudly that I almost jumped out of my skin, but succeeded in calming myself as well. Something told me that this was not the only time Hange would keep shrieking for no reason and that I would have to get used to it. Not that I really minded. I liked cheerful and eccentric people such as Hange who were fun to hang out with. We continued chatting the whole way to the castle, with me explaining how Petunia had explained to me that ghosts didn't exist, until we finally walked past the big gates of the castle and entered the inner compound. It appeared much bigger than the compound of the last military base I had been too, and there was even a row of horses poking their heads out of their stalls towards the dorsal end of the compound.

And standing right in front of the row of horses was my brother.


I yelled and ran towards him as his head snapped in my direction, his eyes widening.


"Eren, I'm so sworry for what I did that day!"

I screamed the minute I reached him.

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