Chapter Thirteen

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I was kinda disappointed when she straightened her hair in season 4.

Eren's POV


I thought to myself and hurled the cluster of bombs into Rod Reiss's wide hanging mouth. According to the plan made by Commander Erwin, I needed to be in my Titan form to throw bombs into Rod Reiss's mouth so that, given the heat he was radiating, the bombs would automatically detonate in his throat and blast through his nape. The other Scouts would then destroy the rest of the body and cut his actual nape before he could actually regenerate. I couldn't deny that this plan didn't have any flaws. It did, and I was the biggest of those flaws. I'd been nothing but a useless runt until now, daring to even think that the sacrifices of all those soldiers who had laid down their lives to save me had been natural simply because I could suddenly turn into the one thing I hated the most. I had really believed that all that strength had been mine to take, even though I definitely didn't deserve it.

Strength and powers that my father stole from Historia's family by massacring all of them so he could pass that power down to me by forcing me to eat him and thus ruining any chance that a true royal like Frieda Reiss could have had to end this domination of the Titans?

It made me sick. It made me want to kill myself just so I could get rid of this power. But I knew I couldn't do that. Historia, the only other surviving royal, had made her intentions of refusing to eat me very clear and other that, she also had a more crucial duty of becoming the next ruler of the walls. Everybody was playing their part, and so I knew I had to do the same. Rod Reiss's entire putrid and bloody face exploded, followed by the rest of his form, and I quickly ran back down the top of the wall to escape the impact. When I looked down, I found all the citizens of Orvud staring up at us, especially those two boys and one girl who reminded me so much of Armin, Mikasa and myself on the day our lives were uprooted five years ago. But when I looked down, I knew that at least the lives of those kids and everybody else in this district were not going to get uprooted in a similar way. The Scouts were already up in the air, slicing through any flesh that flew past them, and my gaze momentarily drifted to Mikasa.

She looked unfairly beautiful when in battle.

Then Historia appeared behind her and sliced through a piece of flesh, following which a cataclysmic bang exploded throughout the air. The consequent golden light reduced visibility to near zero and I ducked down, not sure of what I would see once the light cleared.

When the light did clear though, I didn't see anything. Just a plain blue sky with no Titan bigger than the Colossal towering above us. So it was over. Historia, the one I always used to think of as the weak one, had made the choice of killing her own father to save everyone else. She really had grown strong. Or maybe she had always been strong from the start, unlike me, and Ymir had perhaps been the only who ever understood that.


I looked down on hearing Mikasa's voice and saw her as well as Armin staring up at me.

"Eren, you can come out now!"

Armin yelled and I glanced up at the clear sky once more, before kneeling down and slowly carving myself out through the nape of my Titan; a cloud of smoke surrounding me in the process. It was an odd feeling to say the least, but I'd gotten used to it by now. There was so much that we still didn't know about Titans. So much that the royals had kept hidden from us.

"Eren, are you okay?"

Mikasa asked frantically as she ran up to me, Armin right behind her, when I finally jumped out of my Titan. Looking at her exquisite face so close to mine, I almost felt like leaning in to kiss her. It made me wonder why I hadn't done that when I had the chance back when I had punched the Titan who killed my mom (because you're an idiot).

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