Chapter Fifteen

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I don't know if it was destiny or what, but I found an exact picture of what Eren and Evelyn would look like together and I didn't even do anything. It just popped up on my Pinterest feed (man, the kid even looks like him, I don't know how this happened!)

One Year Later

Evelyn's POV

I yawned softly as I slowly raised my head out from under the blanket and glanced at the window towards the other end of the room. I'd felt lonely having spent only one night alone in this room, but I also knew it was necessary. Plenty of research on the books left by my dad in the basement of our old house had been done during the last one year and, combining that knowledge with what Reiner had written to me in his letter and with the contents of a dream Eren had seen, a discovery shocking enough to turn our whole world upside down had been made.

Said discovery being that humanity existed outside the walls.

And the humanity existing outside the walls didn't even have to live in constant fear of Titans like we did. They were living completely normal lives with access to every single nook of the Earth while also terrorizing the ones who could shift into Titans. According to what Reiner had written, I had been absolutely terrified when I had received a full explanation of the injustice our fellow Eldians had to face in the outside world just because of some mistakes made by our stupid ancestors. The ones who lived beyond the walls had been abandoned by their own king and were now forced to give up their children to become Titan Warriors for Marley simply to survive, and the ones who lived within the walls were plagued by the Eldian humans who were turned into pure Titans by the Marleyan government for even the smallest offence and sent over to our small island of Paradis.

Yes, Paradis. I had never even known that we lived on an island, or what an island was for that matter, or that this island also had a name. But I liked it more than Marley. At least we didn't feed little girls to dogs here. My poor Auntie Faye.

And the extended family tree had been another astounding discovery, more so for Eren and me.

Apparently, our dad had had a younger sister who'd been pushed by a Marleyan government officer into the mouths of dogs because she and Dad had ran past the wall of the internment zone where all Marleyan Eldians were required to reside, without permission. They were required to wear these certain armbands too, but that was another story. Anyhow, Dad and his sister, Faye, had only been children back then but that government officer still killed the sister, making Dad hate the Marleyan government more than ever. When he grew up, he joined some protest movement which had a name too hard for me to pronounce and met a woman of the Eldian royal family, basically a relative of Historia, named Dina Fritz. They eventually got married and had a son named Zeke.

Now that was the part that had really caught me off guard. I had another sibling, and he was out there right now, having to face extremely unfair treatment at the hands of the Marleyans and the rest of the world instead of being here with us.

I wasn't really told the rest of the story to its fullest extent, but what I did understand was that Dad and my stepmom kept forcing Zeke to perform well in the Warrior training programme so he could be sent to Paradis undercover and complete his parents' personal mission of retrieving the Titan that controlled all the other Titans, the Founding Titan. But he had always loved his grandparents (I had never even thought that Dad could have ever had parents of his own), thus, in order to save his grandparents, he reported his parents to the government. They were arrested, along with everyone else who worked for them, and all of them were turned into pure Titans except for Dad. He had been saved by the undercover spy of their group and given a Titan named the Attack Titan. With that, he made it to the world within the walls anyway and raised another family, eventually stealing the Founding Titan from the royal family and passing that as well as the Attack Titan on to Eren after Wall Maria fell.

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