3. Failed Marriages.

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***Arya's Pov.***

I rock the chair that I am sitting on as I caress Veer's head. He is laying on my chest asleep with his thumb still in his mouth. It has been a month since the divorce papers have come to our door.

*One Month Ago.....*

"But didn't you tell her about living with us before getting married?" Mamu asks.

"I did. I said in simple words that I want to live with my family and work in my company only. She said we will think about it after marriage." Reyansh bhai says.

"Then why does she want a divorce?" Mami asks as tears come to her eyes.

"Please drink some water, Mami." I say to Mami as I try to console her and make her drink some water.

"Everything was going well for a month. Then she started her tune again of getting a separate house and asking to move abroad as I have good scope there. I told her again and again that I want to invest my talents in my own family's company. Why do I work for someone else when it can benefit me and my family." Reyansh bhai says looking at Mamu.

"Is there no way this relationship could be saved?" I ask bhai as I know he loves bhabhi.

"No. If she had not said the things she said yesterday I would have gone and asked her to come back. But no. I will not bring her back to destroy the peace of my family. I thought she understood me but the only thing she understands is money and privacy and no family. Caring for family is cowardly behavior in her eyes." Reyansh bhai says and looks towards me then looks away.

I finally understood what Jagvi bhabhi had said. She must have been telling bhai about me. Everybody praising me must have gotten on her nerves as I don't let her do much. She doesn't like working at home so I always make excuses for her. But I don't know why she dislikes me.

"Now what do we do?" Nanu says.

"I will divorce her but not let her take a penny from here. She threatened me that she would make me pauper if I didn't return to her and live separately with her." Reyansh bhai says and anger is clear in his eyes.

"Come with me. I already messaged Mr. Sen. He will help us." Shaurya bhai says and takes Reyansh bhai from the house. Parth bhai takes Mami and Dadi to their rooms.

"Arya?" Mamu asks and I look at him.

"Yes, Mamu. Do you need anything?" I ask.

"Why don't you go and check on Veer?" Mamu asks and that means they want some privacy to talk about something.

"Ok Mamu but if both of you need anything, please tell me. Okay?" I ask.

"Okay, dear. Now go." Mamu says and I start going for the back garden but stop when I hear mention of my mother.

"First Sakshi then Shaurya and now Reyansh. What is happening to my kids? One after another they got divorced. At first my daughter, Sakshi got betrayed and died of cancer. Then Priya divorced Shaurya and has not even looked at her son even though she has gotten visit rights. Now Reyansh is getting divorced with Jagvi." Nanu says.

"It is not their fault Dad. They all just love their family too much. We have always taught them the value of family and told them family is everything. They are right at some point but they are wrong only in one thing. Getting married to people they love. It is not bad to love but they should have looked past it to see the character of the person they are marrying." Mamu says as he sits beside Nanu.

"I am done with having a love marriage in our house. Arranged marriages are at least better. Slowly but gradually the relationship between husband and wife becomes strong as they come to know their likes and dislikes. It also gives them time to know their family." Nanu says.

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