34. Just A Thought.

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***Arya's POV.***

As I comb my hair late one night, I think about what happened after we came back from our honeymoon. At first I didn't notice it, but then I saw something. And then I got to know what happened in our absence. Vedant has yet to know what happened, and the family has given me the responsibility to tell him.

"Ved." I say as I look at him through the mirror while he is looking at some files.

"Yes, dear?" He asks without looking up.

"You should talk to Mayra and Mom." I say, and that makes him look up at me.

"Why? Did something happen?" He asks, looking tense. Even though Vedant is doing everything to maintain a balance between his relationship with his sister and Mom, he still sometimes looks lost about what to do.

"Well, not something major. But when we came back, I noticed some tension in the house." I say and turn to him.

"I did too. But I thought it was because Mom and Mayra are now having meals at one table." He says.

"That's not the actual issue. I got to know that in our absence, a family came to see Mayra." I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks, looking confused.

"A family with a marriage proposal." I say.

"What?" He asks in shock and stands, "And nobody told us about it. Why?"

"Calm down." I say and take his arm and make him sit on the bed beside me because the next few sentences would surely rile him up. "No one told us anything right away because they mistook Mayra's identity and then left."

"What do you mean by that now?" He asks, scrunching his brows.

"The boy must have seen Mayra somewhere and asked his parents to meet the girl. Mayra didn't know him. But then they came to meet and Mayra told him the truth. He told his parents and his parents outright said no to this relationship and scolded his son in front of everyone. Dadi got angry and said something and then the boy's mother said that she will also see who would marry our Mayra. Dadi outright challenged her that Mayra would be married to someone more respectful and richer than them." I say all that I got to know from Mom.

The way Mom said clarified that she was angry too by the way they behaved towards Mayra and she didn't like them insulting her. She was literally stabbing needle in the cloth more forcefully than necessary.

"How dare they insult my sister? They are unlucky to lose the chance to have such a sweet person for their son." Vedant says.

"It is good they didn't get lucky. Our Mayra deserves so much better than this. She deserves a family which would love her. She deserves a husband who would respect her." I say and squeeze Vedant's shoulder.

"You are right. And Dadi did well to challenge that lady. If I were here, I would have thrown them out before they even entered our house." He says and I nod.

Next day after lunch, I leave to visit Nanu and Nani and also to give them souvenirs. Mayra wanted to come too, but she had a last-minute invite from her friends and had to go to meet them. I take my car and drive home.

"What did you bring for me, sissy?" Parth asks when he comes down to the living room where I am talking to others.

"Nothing." I say in a huff and turn away.

"Why?" He asks with a whine.

"Just like that." I say.

"Were you so lost on your honeymoon that you forgot about my souvenir? So unfair of you, my dear Aru." He says dramatically and I roll my eyes.

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