17. Hold My Hand.

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***Arya's POV.***

I woke early and tried to rub my eyes, but a hand was in my hand. I look up to see Vedant's sleeping form. He is smiling in his sleep like he is having a pleasant dream. I gently remove my hand from his and go to the bathroom to get ready.

I wear a pink salwar suit and wake up Vedant. He looks at me for a second, then smiles. Then he goes to get ready, leaving me confused. As we would leave in the helicopter and will carry just one phone. I called Mom and Mami to talk before leaving. They both tell me to get chunni for Mata Rani.

We get ready before 8 and reach the helipad. We had to wait half an hour, then leave for Sanjichhat. From there it is a half an hour walk to the temple.

"Hold my hand." Vedant says as soon as we were out of the helicopter, distracting me from the crowd in front of me.

"Okay." I say and feel his hand tighten around mine.

"Don't leave my hand and if you feel a bit scared, tug on it. Okay?" He asks and I nod, "Good. Let's get a pooja thali and put this stuff in it."

"Okay." I say.

We go near a stall and arrange a thali. Then starts our half an hour walk up the temple. Vedant holds onto my hand with his life and so do I when the crowd starts to get thicken. At one point, I didn't even realise he had his arms around mine. But as we were getting close to the cave, I checked and there was only one chunni.

"Vedant, we only have one chunni. We need to get two. I am sorry I forgot to tell you that we need to get two. Mami and Mom both told me." I say.

He thinks for a second then pulls me aside and says, "Stay here. I'll go get it."

"Can't I come with you?" I ask.

"No. The crowd is too much and I don't want you getting trampled on. And I can find you easily here. Okay." He says and I try to suppress my panic.

"Okay." I say.

"Arya." He says and I look up, "I will never forget you. I will come back and get you. Okay. Just promise me you won't come to find me."

I think for a second then say, "I promise. But please come back soon."

"I will." He says and rushes towards the stalls which are a bit away from here.

I sit down at the bench nearby in the waiting zone and try to distract myself by listing out things I have to buy for my family and also what I had to do on this trip. But the fear doesn't go away. I trust Vedant and I know he is not the type of person who would ever intentionally leave me. It was my fault that I forgot to tell him about getting chunni just because I was scared of getting lost in a crowd and rushed him to buy things.

I look at the watch every five seconds and feel on edge when some people look at me. I look away from them and start praying in my head. I know Vedant will be back soon. But those fifteen minutes were so long. I can't even go to look for him otherwise I would be lost really and Vedant would get worried.

Then I see it. The bright red sweater which Vedant wore today. Then his face which is looking for me. I feel such relief at the sight of him that I stand and rush towards him. And before I can think of him, I embrace him hard. I have never felt this relieved to see someone in my life.

"I am sorry if I took too much time. But the stall was far. I hope you are okay." Vedant asks as he caresses my head.

I get out of his arm shyly then say, "I am."

"Here. You must be thirsty." He says and gives me a water bottle.

"Thanks." I say and take small sips.

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