31. Falling For You.

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***Vedant's POV.***

I look at the blushing beauty beside me as she sleeps soundly and feel a rush of emotions go through me. Our week has passed too soon for me. Why is it that good times pass by quickly and don't seem enough? I want more time to be alone with her.

As I think that, an idea pops in my head and I get up from the bed. I open my laptop and call Harsh to do some bookings as I find an excellent location. Within an hour, a surprise was ready for my wife. She would love it. Next, I call Mom and tell her everything.

As I hang up, Arya comes out of the bedroom wearing a pretty floral midi dress. At first she was conscious about wearing dresses, but at my insistence and continuous compliments, she got convinced. She looks pretty, but the only downfall is that I have to glare at men who look at my girl.

For goodness sake, can't you see the mangal sutra she wears even if I said it is okay if she doesn't want to? But obviously she is stubborn. As the men won't understand its meaning, I bought her a beautiful ring. She denied that too, but I got stubborn too and told her that I would be happy to give her a ring. She finally said with a condition I would have one too. We had matching rings of platinum. Hers has a diamond in the middle.

"Good morning, my wife." I say with a broad smile, which she reciprocates with her sweet one.

"Good morning, my husband. You woke up early. Why didn't you wake me up?" She asks and sits beside me on the couch.

"I thought to let you sleep in, as we are not going out till late afternoon. And yesterday you were also up till late as you were busy chatting with your sister-in-laws." I say and pick up the phone to order breakfast for us.

"Let me order while you get ready." She says and I give her the phone.

"I want pancakes and the usual." I say and kiss her cheek before getting up.

"Thank goodness, we are leaving tomorrow and I will finally have some Indian food." Arya says, and I stop in my tracks.

"You don't like the food here?" I ask, getting concerned about my plans.

"No. They are delicious and I love them, but I can't survive on them." She says as she looks at the menus.

"But you wouldn't mind enduring it for some time if it was the case." I ask, and I am literally on my toes.

"I can try." She says and looks up, "Why? Is there any problem?"

"No. No problem. I just wanted to know if my wife would choose food over me." I say, trying to divert the conversation.

"Definitely food." She says with a secret smile.

"Really? I can change your mind." I say and move towards her.

"Not now, Vedant." She says and gets up as if to run from me.

"Why? We have the entire morning and afternoon. We should spend it somehow and I am planning to do so by proving you are lying." I say and chase her.

"You do not need to prove anything. I admit I was lying." She says with a giggle as she runs to the bedroom.

"Too late. Compensate for hurting my feelings earlier." I say and finally grab her arm and pull her towards me.

"How should I do that?" She asks after catching her breath.

"Simple." I say as I take her chin between my finger and thumb, "Soothe them."

"How should I soothe them?" She asks as she looks at my lips and then in my eyes. Her brown dilates with passion, which I often see nowadays as we come closer to each other.

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