29. BB & NN.

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***Arya's POV.***

After that day, Dadi got better and so did her relationship with Mayra. It was awkward at first for both of them, which still is, but they are getting better. Mom and Dadi talked in private for a while, which I think made this happen.

Even though everything between Mom and Mayra is not okay, at least she didn't hold any grudge and assured Dadi to accept Mayra as her granddaughter. Dadu was the happiest. Finally, some things are getting better. Finally, we are becoming a family.

"Did you pack everything, Aru?" Mom asks.

"Yes. But are you sure Mom we should leave? Dadi has just gotten better and if we both leave, who will look after you all?" I ask, still not convinced to leave them.

"Don't worry. We would be fine. And Mayra would be here." Mom says and realises what she did, then says, "I mean, we would be fine. It is just about a week. And you both have not gone on your honeymoon. It would be good for you both. You both should spend more time together to strengthen your relationship."

"If you say so." I say, a bit convinced, as now that I know ‌Mom would rely on Mayra if she needs anything.

We would leave for the airport at 11 at night. I packed our bags as I came to know that my husband loves last minute packing, which can sometimes become inconvenient. Mom tried to give us snacks but Vedant warned against it, as we don't want to carry much.

"Everything ready?" Vedant asks as he comes into the room.

"No thanks to you." I say teasingly.

"I am sorry if I hate packing." He says with a smile and I shake my head.

Mayra comes into our room just as Mom is leaving. They look at each other, then look away. They look more flustered than angry. Mayra shakes her head and comes towards Vedant and says, "Here."

"What's this?" Vedant asks.

"The list of things which Dadi and I want. Also here." Mayra says and gives a card.

"Now what's this?" Vedant asks.

"Ramya's address. When I told her you both are going to London, she insisted and by insisted I mean sending ten emails with loud capital when you are coming and you both have to meet her, especially her BB." She says.

"What's BB now?" Vedant asks.

"Beautiful Bhabhi." She says with a giggle, and Vedant chuckles.

"I would definitely meet her otherwise I won't hear the end, if I don't." He says and puts the card and the list in his wallet and asks, "Anything else?"

"Enjoy some romantic time but don't start dancing like in movies. And also take many pictures." She says.

"I have heard that somewhere. Yes, Mom just told me a few minutes ago. What is it with you and Mom and pictures?" Vedant says.

"I don't know. I have to go." She says and rushes out.

"Vedant!" I say.

"What? Now that everything is getting better, I will not let them behave like strangers. I know it will take some time, but we have to get used to each other. And talking openly helps. It helped me." He says and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I turn towards him and put my hands on his arms and say, "Yes, but for some people, it is different. We will go slow and let them adjust to all this so they won't feel overwhelmed and nor do you. I know you are saying you are fine, but I still see you struggling sometimes. But you are taking your time and moving forward, which is a good thing. They would too just give them the time they need. Okay?"

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