39. Beautiful Family.

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***Arya's POV.***

Vedant and I come back home to meet with a beautiful view. Everyone is present at the breakfast table and having breakfast, but that is not what was beautiful. What is beautiful is the way they are looking at each other.

There was a time when no one looked at other people straight in the eyes and talked even less. But now everyone is having fun and talking so freely, even Mom and Mayra. They look more than cordial with each other. Not close, but not far too. Well, it would take time for them to fill the gap of years between them, but I am happy to see they have at least started filling it.

"Arya, welcome home. Vedant, how was the stay at your sasural?" Dadi asks.

"It was good." He says and gives me a secret smile, then sits at the breakfast table.

We talk for a while and then Vedant leaves for office after a swift cheek kiss in front of everyone. I blush and rush away from there in a hurry.

Later, when I was knitting with Mom, Mayra came into her room and sat down. I smile at her while Mom is busy giving it a small touch and says, "Done." She finally notices Mayra and asks, "Do you need anything?"

"I have thought about the proposal." She says.

"Okay." Mom says, and I hold my breath.

"And I want to meet Shaurya before deciding anything." She says and looks at me.

"Okay. I will call Mami and arrange a meeting." I say and she nods.

"Thanks." She says and I smile.

She leaves after that and Mom asks, "Mayra is very calm. That is why she makes excellent decisions. She must want to know about Shaurya's reason for this marriage and evaluate his feelings."

I nod and say, "I understand. They should meet and get to know each other, then only they should decide."

After I am done with my knitting, I call Mami and inform her that Mayra wants to meet Shaurya Bhai before deciding anything. She agrees that it is a good idea.

"Did you tell Shaurya Bhai about the proposal?" I ask.

"Yes. After you both left, your Mamu and I talked to him. He said that he wouldn't mind it as for him Veer's happiness is more important, but he has to know that Mayra is not compromising because of it." Mami says.

"I knew convincing Shaurya Bhai through Veer would be easy, but would he be able to give this relationship a chance?" I ask her.

"He said he will try his best, just like last time. And you know Shaurya if he promises something he never goes back." Mami says and I agree.

"Fine. Just ask Shaurya Bhai to meet Mayra tomorrow. Give him Mayra's number so they can decide where they want to meet." I say.

"Okay, dear." Mami says and we hang up after a few seconds.

I tell Mayra everything and she nods. I walk back to my room and get in the closet to take out some documents that Vedant needed me to send along with lunch. Just as I remove the file, another file falls off, and it is mine. I look at them and see some of my achievements.

I thought I don't enjoy working much but sometimes my hands itch to make plans and there is little to renovate these days in my family. But there is little work for interior designers here. Yet there are lots of work for an event manager. And I know just the right place to ask more about it to someone I know.

I gather everything I need and decide. After giving lunch and a file to the driver, I drove the opposite way to Ruha Kaur's event management company. I didn't make any prior appointments but waited for my turn for some time until Ruha Ji saw me.

"Arey, Arya. You are here. Why didn't you tell them you are family? Come." She says and gestures to me to enter her cabin. "Tell me. To what do I owe the pleasure of you being here? By the way, I heard you and Vedant had gone to London? Did you meet my Ramya?"

"I did. Now I know where she gets her fire for life." I say with a smile and she chuckles, "Actually, I was here for a professional matter."

"Okay. What is it?" She asks.

"I want a job. Here. My portfolio." I say then ramble on, "I know this is sudden, but I have to start somewhere. At first I was happy with being at home and all, but recently I have too much time on my hands and miss working a lot. It also made me realise I love working a lot. I have yet to talk with my family, but first I wanted to be sure I can do this."

"It is nice. The projects you have done are in house, but the choices are impressive. Well, we are hiring right now. And this field is a little different from yours, but not much. You are hired but you have to work under someone to get the hang of all this. Okay?" Ms. Kaur says and I look at her with wide eyes.

"I got the job just like that?" I ask.

"You are a family, Arya. And it is not like you won't be evaluated. If your work is not up to our standard, you would be fired. But don't tell this to Ramya. She would not spare my ears if that happens. So do your best." She says and I still feel shocked.

I talk with her for sometime then she asks her assistant to show me to my senior's cabin. I would work under designing the event. Sen Ji shows me the ropes about how things work and I get everything pretty quickly. I bid goodbye to Ms. Kaur and Sen Ji, then went straight to buy some sweets.

"Where were you all afternoon, Arya?" Dadi asks as soon as I enter the house.

"I was out to get something." I say.

"What?" Mom asks.

"A job, which I got it." I say and take out the sweets.

"Congratulations!" Dadi says with a wide smile and eats the sweet I give her.

"Where did you get it?" Mom asks.

"Hmm... At Ms. Kaur's, an event management firm." I say and Mom stops short for a second, then nods and smiles.

"That's great." She says with a smile.

"But why didn't you tell us anything about it?" Dadi asks.

"It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, and I wanted to surprise you all." I say.

"Actually, it is good you got a job, otherwise you would have gone crazy staying home all day. At least you would do something you love." Mom says.

"You are right, Purvi. This is the age to do what you like. Same goes for you. Why don't you go out on a tour?" Dadi says and Mom looks at her in surprise.

"Ma, what are you talking about?" Mom says.

"Come on, now, Purvi. Wasn't it two days ago that you were looking at the northern lights? And a week ago you were looking at a jungle safari and what was it, the thing in which people sit and go up in the sky?" Dadi asks.

"Hot-air balloon." Mom says, and her face gets red when she realises she fell right into Dadi's trap. "I can't go Mom. Not at this age."

"This is the right age. If you wait for two more years, your grandkids would tie you down. So leave now and enjoy your life as long as you can." Dadi says.

"Meera is right. You have always stayed here and never gone out. It's a good idea for you to travel around. You can also spend your son's money." Dadu says with a wink.

"I wouldn't mind. As long as Mom is happy, I am, too." Vedant says and enters the house.

"So tell us, where do you want to go first? We will make all the arrangements." I say.

"I will think about it." Mom says, "By the way, Arya has some good news for you."

"Really? What?" Vedant asks as he sits down between us and looks at me.

"I got a job." I say with a grin.

"Where?" He asks.

"Kaur's Event Management." I say.

"That's good news." He says and eats the sweet which I bought.

Soon Mayra joins us and we all discuss our plans for the future and laugh together at silly suggestions like a genuine family.

Finally, I got the family which I always wanted through my husband. A beautiful family.

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