19. A Little Closer.

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***Arya's POV.***

"Are you ready, Arya?" Vedant asked me for the fourth time.

"Just a minute." I say as I try to find the necklace which would go better with this saree.

"You really are taking time today. Are you nervous?" Vedant asks as he comes towards me.

"No." I say immediately.

"Let me rephrase. Are you nervous about meeting new people?" He says and I turn away from him and take the lipstick out.

"A little." I say and apply it.

"Why?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Maybe because I am meeting them for the first time and don't want them to think I am rude." I say.

"Who would even think that about you?" He says with another chuckle, "You are so polite that I am nervous that I may look rude compared to you."

"I just feel strange and shy talking to new people. And that often looks like I am rude." I say.

"No it doesn't. You are just overthinking it. And I would be there the whole time and so would one more familiar person." He says.

"Who?" I ask turning around.

"Well, we have to join the party to see it. So are you ready?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Good. Let's go now." He says.

We are leaving for a small party given by one of his clients and to introduce me to others. I am really nervous about meeting them and making sure that I don't embarrass Vedant in any way.

"We would be fine." He says when we reach the venue.

"You promise to be with me most of the time." I ask.

"Like I can stay away from my beautiful wife. Unless..." He says.

"Unless what?" I ask.

"Unless I want to just leave the venue with my beautiful wife." He says.

"That would be nice." I say with a sigh.

"Relax. I promise you will have fun. Not much but some. What about this? We go in, we mingle a little then I meet some of my old clients and we leave. Nobody would mind us leaving soon because we are a newly married couple. Are you okay with that?" He asks and I nod, "Good. Just hope that they won't ask us to dance. Although I would like that very much."

"Dancing? In a saree?" I ask and Vedant chuckles before opening my door.

"Don't worry. It would be a couple dance and I will hold you tight." He says taking my arm in his.

"Now that's a relief." I say and smile.

We go in and like he said he stays by my side and introduces me to some people. Most of them are his clients and some are his friends. Some of his friends brought their wives with whom I talked a little and they were kind of nice. They suggested that I will get used to small parties like this and find their group if I get bored and don't want to be bothered much.

"Hey, gorgeous!" Reyansh Bhai says and hugs me.

"Reyansh bhai. Oh, so this was the familiar face you were talking about?" I ask Vedant.

"Yes. Now can you breathe?" He asks and I nod.

"Still don't like crowded parties?" Reyansh asks and I shake my head in no.

"How is everyone at home?" Vedant asks.

"Everyone is fine. And Mom still asking when will you have coffee at our house." Reyansh says and I laugh.

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