16. Our Name.

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***Vedant's POV.***

I am packing my bag as I don't want my wife to have one thing less to do. She has packed her bag way before, but as usual I am doing it at the last minute. I would have avoided it till late afternoon, but then Arya would have to rush. And I don't want that. I had made all the arrangements so that she wouldn't have to be worried on this journey.

Shaurya warned before they left that Arya has never been to Vaishno Devi temple and also she often gets scared in crowded places. She has a fear of getting lost in a strange place because it happened to her twice. One when her father forgot her in the market and second, just after her mother died, she ran out of the house to the temple they visited and got lost. Her Mom found her the first and second time her Mamu.

Shaurya told me to look after her and keep her close. So I took extra precautions. Arya is an intelligent and calm person, but that does not mean she would be good at everything. No one is. Everyone has a weakness. My wife does too and my job is to make sure I am there for her when she needs me the most.

"Vedant, you are packing now?" Mom asks as he enters my room. "You have not changed at all. Always last minute packing."

She helps me with the packing after putting the boxes of snacks down, "Mom I can do it."

"You can. But you have to pick up Arya. Go." She says.

"There is still time." I say and put the boxes in a small duffle bag but Mom takes it from me.

"You are doing it wrong." She says and puts it right, "And look at the time."

I look at my watch and frown, "I thought there was a time. I need to go. Bye. And thanks."

I go to her house and Parth teases me for coming late, "You are in no rush to pick her up . Looks like you are fed up by her in just one day. Bad for me. I was finally happy to be rid of her."

"I am not calling you ever again." Arya says and passes by him.

"Hey! You know I was just kidding. You dare not ignore my calls otherwise I would shift to your husband's house." Parth warns her and goes behind her in the kitchen.

"I heard you are going to Ludhiana, son." Mami Ji says.

"Yes. Nani and Nanu were not able to attend my wedding." I say.

"Yes, I heard about your Nani's surgery. How is she now?" Nani Ji asks.

"She is fine and her recovery is good too." I say.

Arya put a plate of sweets in front of me and I said, "I had breakfast."

"Doesn't matter. Everytime you visit her, you have to visit empty stomach. Because even if you had a whole lunch, you would still have to eat here." Parth says and Mami Ji tugs his ear, "Mom!"

"Eat something at least." Mami Ji says while Arya tries to hide her smile.

"Okay, Mami Ji." I say and eat a piece of barfi.

"Arya, bring some coffee too?" Mami Ji says.

"No, Mami Ji. We would get late. We have to make sure we have packed up and Arya has one more ritual to finish." I say.

"Okay. But one day, you have to drink coffee here. No excuses." Mami Ji says.

"Sure." I say with a chuckle.

"Good save." Arya says as we drive back to our home.

"With no help from you. I have noticed you enjoy a lot when Mami Ji insists that I eat. Why?" I ask.

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