Chapter 14~ Planning for battle

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Oh my god. I am so sorry it took so long! I just couldn't really think about how i wanted this story to go on. I listened to 'Fall of an empire' again today, like every week at least. When i finally got an idea. I like how it turned out. Enjoy!

Third POV

Celestia sat on a chair that stood next to a bed. Discord sat next to her, embracing the distraught alicorn princess. Her sister had been taken by Sombra, and if it weren't for Discord and Shining shield, he would've had Lunar Heart as well. Why did this all happen so quickly? If only she hadn't told Luna to break off the engagement. How would everything be then?

Discord, guessing what Celestia was thinking, spoke up. "You couldn't have known all of this would happen. Besides, Sombra would never harm Luna or Lunar Heart on purpose. He loves them to much."

"I know," Celestia whispered softly, "But all of this is happening because of me. I only wanted to save her from heartbreak, but in the end, i caused it. How could Luna ever forgive me for ruining her life?"

"That is something you have to ask her when we get her back. But i think it is because she knew you meant well and she loves you."

"If we get her back." Celestia muttered softly.

"Of course we will! And maybe we can save Sombra while we are at it." Discord said with a confident tone to his voice. Then, as if she knew her aunt needed her, Lunar Heart groaned and moved her head to the side, facing the wedded couple.

Her eyes fluttered open, as Celestia and Discord leaned forwards. "A-aunt Celestia,  Discord?" Lunar Heart's voice was horse. Lunar Heart was surprised. How did she end up in her bed in her own room?

Then she remembered what had happened. The date. He had drugged her, and she liked him! God why did this always seemed to happen to her?! She then remembered that she had seen shining shield and Discord running towards them. They saved her from being ponynapped again. 

"Yes little moon, we are here." Celestia spoke with a what seemed to be a sad smile on her face. "Where's mom?" Lunar Heart asked when she noticed that her mom wasn't here with them. 

Celestia looked down, and discord hugged her once more. "S-sombra. He has taken her. That was the reason why Discord was there with you so soon. We suspected that he would have a plan to take you too. "

"T-this is..." Lunar Heart trailed off. "We have to put an end to all of this! I just want to have a peaceful life with my family! And not be scared to go out or on a date while in fear of being ponynapped!" She shouted in anger. 

"I know, i want you and Luna to be happy too. We just don't know what we can do to save your father without banishing him again."

"What happened with Noah?" Lunar Heart asked her aunt warily. "He is in the dungeons, with two guards guarding him. Don't worry he won't ever get to you again."

Lunar Heart nodded, before getting of the bed and heading towards the door. "Where are you going?" Celestia asked, confused. "To search for a way to save my father and mother of course. I can't sit around and wait any longer." Lunar Heart replied.

"I'll go look in the secret archives." Discord said. "I'll go with you, before you make a mess of destroy anything in there." Celestia spoke, while looking at him with a look that said 'don't argue with me'.

"I would never!"

"Of course you wouldn't. Mr. Lord of Chaos."

Lunar Heart smiled at the way her aunt and new uncle acted. She hoped that one day she would have a love that pure too. She walked out of her room and saw two guards guarding her bedroom. She nodded at them, and walked to the library. 

With Sombra and Luna

Luna looked around her surroundings as soon as the darkness dissapeared. They were in the sisters old castle in the everfree forest. Sombra stood next to her, looking in shock around.

"What happened here?" He asked Luna as he turned to look at her. "U-umm.." She said, not really wanting to answer that. "I may or may not have tried to kill Celestia." 

"WHAT?!"He shouted in shock, "When was it?"

"A few years after we banished you. I was so lonely, and put all my love into the night, hoping that you could see. It was in these years that i began to notice that no pony cared about my night, and i just grew so angry and jealous of Celestia. One day i snapped and embraced the darkness inside my heart. Lunar Heart was there too that day. Celestia and i fought for a while, before she banished me to the moon for a thousand years with the elements of Harmony. The first thing i did when my banishment was over was trapping Celestia in the moon. That way she would know how i felt on the moon." Sombra growled out in anger. If Celestia had just accepted that they would always love eachother and would do anything for the other, then the present would look so much more different.

"Why are we here?" She asked Sombra when he had calmed down a bit. "We are here to find a way to defeat your sister and her annoying husband. Once they are defeated we can get Lunar Heart back to us." Luna smiled, the idea of being a family that she always wanted was now beginning to be in reach. She only hoped not to much harm came to her daughter or her sister. Even though Celestia ruined her love life with her fianceé, she still cared about her. You never stop caring about your sister, no matter how many times you fight. 

"There is something else you should know. Noah was my 'servant' if you will. He was supposed to drug Lunar Heart and take her here, but he failed. Not that i suspected anything less. He is in the dungeons of Canterlot. To be honest, i am glad about that. Now i don't have to deal with him and his desire to date my moongem to become king."

Luna looked at him in disbelief. "I'm glad. I already knew he wasn't good enough for my daughter. Shining shield, however, is a much better choice." Sombra nodded. He had seen how Shining shield was. He was protective, kind, strong, quick, honorable and he seemed to have a crush on their daugther. Sombra knew he would never do something to hurt her on purpose.

With Lunar Heart. Lunar Heart's POV

I looked out the window, the sun was beginning to set, and there were a lot of guards outside. Could this really be because of my father? It wouldn't help. He could literaly turn into a shadow and slip past them, or just teleport. I shook my head and turned back to the book i was reading.

This book was interesting to say the least. It was about cursed artifacts. Seeing as Sombra used an artifact trying to ascend, and turned evil, this was the right book to read about. Then suddenly, i found the artifact that he used. I smiled. Maybe the day we can be a family was closer than i thought. I put a paper in the book before closing it and running out of the library. This was something Celestia and Discord really needed to read. This was the answer i was looking for.

Hold on, mom. I found a way to save father." I quietly whispered, hoping that somehow mom could hear me, where ever father had taken her.

Third POV With Sombra and Luna

"Hold on, mom. I found a way to save father." Luna heared her daughter whisper. How she heared her daughter, she didn't know. But she was glad to know her daughter had found a way. Luna smiled as she kept looking at the handsome stallion she had fallen in love with. Soon they would be able to confess their eternal love as regents of the darkness. She looked out the window, seeing the sun was beginning to set. "I'm going to raise the moon, my love." She let the dark stallion know. before walking out of the dusty old library still filled with a lot of books.

With Celestia and Discord

Celestia and Discord looked out in shock as the moon rose in the sky. Discord looked at Celestia to make sure she wasn't the one who was raising it. "She is alright," Celestia said in a relieved tone. "TIA! DISCORD!" They heard Lunar Heart yell as soon as she entered the archives. They turned around, thinking she was in danger.

When they saw her running towards them with a book, they smiled. "I found it!" Lunar Heart smiled the biggest she had ever done in ages. 

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