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Hi guys,

As you may have noticed, i haven't written anything in a while. I have a few reasons for that, which i am going to share with you.

First off, I haven't got a lot of inspiration to continue this story. I have been reading other stories, and i feel like they are so much better then my story.

Second, what i am doing right now, is making a rewrite of this story. The first few chapters will remain almost the same, with just a few adjustments. The other chapters will change to something else.

My last reason doesn't involve wattpad at all. As some of you may now, my aunt had gotten cancer a few years ago. After a year of chemo, the docters said she was clean. A few weeks ago she went to a yearly check up. It was then discovered that it came back, and was now in her liver. She got chemo for that. Unfortunately, it didn't do anything. The only thing it did, was make her feel really sick. The docters gave her a choice. Continue with chemo, it may not work, her time would be stretched with 30% but she'll get 80% more sick. Or stop with chemo, but she'll die in around 2 months.

That was the news we got on new years day. Great way to start your year. My aunt is very secretive, so we didn't know what she was going to choose, and anything of what she wants when the time comes. A few days ago, my grandmother called us. She had spoken with my aunt. My aunt has chosen to stop with chemo. However, i do not think she'll make it to the two months she's been given. She looks yellow, she's very weak and can't keep anything inside.

What's more is that my mom and i believe that she wants to hold on until 20 February. Why? Because fifteen years ago on that day, her husband, my uncle, died in a motorbike accident. He was on his way home. He had been on a crossroad, and the lights on his side were green. He got hit by a truck either from the side or head on, i don't remember, he was dead almost immidiately. My aunt was left behind with her 2 childeren. One was two years older then me, age 7 when it happened. The other was a few weeks younger then me, age 4 when it happened.

We believe she wants it to end on the same day as her husband left this world. We aren't sure if that is the real reason, but you never know. My father, her brother, doesn't talk about it at all. Which i can understand. They were so close when they grew up, and my father isn't a man of showing emotion. I know that it is hard on him, and it will get harder each passing day, but he refuses to talk to my sister and i about it.

My sister is a whole other story. Everytime we, my mom and i, start to talk about it, she starts bawling her eyes out. She's 23. I can understand, it's the first family member that is dying which we can remember, but still. It's not like she's gone already. She is still alive and we could still visit her every day if that is what she wanted.

My mom also doesn't really talk about her feelings that much. Sure she doesn't like what is happening, but she's accepted it. Like me, i guess. I think about it quite a lot, seeing as this is the first time this has happened to family, but i'm already used to people around me dying. I work in an elderly home, and the chance of people dying there is huge. Everytime someone dies there, two more follow. There are always 3 that die in a short time span. I do think that when the time comes that my aunt passes, that i will feel sad, but that is not what i'm feeling right now. I've accepted it and i don't feel any sad emotions on this topic, if i'm being honest. But i do spent a lot of time talking about it with my mom and sis.

These are the reasons i'm not writing as much as i'd like. It'll be probably like that for a while more. We'll just have to wait and see.

Thanks for reading this, and i'll update you when the time comes.

Lunar_Heart, out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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