Chapter 12~

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A few days has passed, and Celestia and Discord returned from their honeymoon. I haven't really talked to my mom much. She is avoiding me, after we had talked about Noah.


"Lunar Heart?" I heard mom call out, as she was entering my room. "Yes, mom?" I asked, as I turned to face her. "What was the name of the stallion you were dancing with yesterday?" 'Way to be blunt, mom.' I thought, 'How did she know i was dancing with Noah anyway?' "His name was Noah, why do you ask mom?" I answered her. "No reason, sweety."

Something was definitely wrong. Mom never, and i mean never called me 'Sweety'. Mom smiled at me, before walking away to who knows where. As long as she doesn't turn evil again, or hurts Noah, then it's fine. I sighed, turned back around, and continued writing in my dairy about the wedding.

*End Flashback*

Noah wanted to meet me tomorrow, he was going to show me some amazing spots. "You'll love it," he had said. I'm looking forward to it, we are going to meet in the evening. I can't wait! Celestia had said that it was alright, what mom thought about it, i wouldn't know. I just smiled, daydreaming about what would happen tomorrow with Noah.

Celestia's pov

After our honeymoon, Discord and i went back to the castle. I took over the day again, with discord helping me. Luna took over the moon again, and Lunar Heart was doing the dreams of all the ponies of Equestria. Luna hasn't really talked to me, or discord which makes me worried. I don't want het to turn back into nightmare moon, and i don't want to lose her again. I get why she would avoid Discord, but me? I hope that i can avoid it that we get seperated for years again.

Dissy has noticed it too, and tried to cheer her up, but he only made her angry. We talked about it, and decided that it would be the best for now to let her alone. We hadn't seen Lunar Heart yet, but i was planning to visit her. Just to talk to her about Luna and about other things like what happened a few months ago with Sombra.

Sombra had dissapeared, and we hadn't found him yet. We needed to find him, so we could help him. To bring him back to the light. I haven't lost hope yet, and i hope Luna hasn't either. I would do anything i could, just so i could right my wrong and so that Luna and Sombra could be happy together again.

Luna's pov


I couldn't believe it. He had contacted my through my dream. He wanted to meet me, on the day of Celestia's wedding no less. I knew i had to let Tia know, but i knew that if i did, she wouldn't let me go and instead, send guards. I couldn't risk it. I had to know what he wanted to talk about. Even if it endangered my safety. He wouldn't Hurt me. Not now, not ever.

With a deep breath, i spread my wings and began to fly towards the cave where he was hiding. I didn't know what to expect from this meeting. I just hoped that somehow, i could convince him to come back to us, Lunar Heart and me. I knew I could survive without him, but I wouldn't be living. I wanted a happy ending like Tia has with Discord.

I finally arrived in the cave. It was dark, shadows were dancing on the walls, and there was no sound, which was somehow comforting to me. It reminded me of the many NIGHTS I spent alone, and those I spent together with the pony I love. "Sombra?" I asked, as i landed in the cave. It echoed through out the dark cave. I looked around, hoping to find him in the shadows. He was a part of the shadows, just like i was. No reply came.

I walked forward, hoping that maybe he was pranking me, trying to make me feel scared, like he used to do all those years ago "Sombra?," i asked again, "Are you here?" Again, no reply came. The cave only became darker as further that i walked. I didn't grow scared, he had promised he would be here. He had said that he was hiding here. Was he scared that i was Celestia? Or maybe a royal guard?

Suddenly, i couldn't see anything. Sombra did this, he would do something like this. I used my magic, just so i could see where i was walking. "Sombra, please, Show yourself!" I spoke loudly, once again, it echoed through out the dark cave. I sighed, knowing that he probably was pranking me, just like he did when he wasn't evil.

I smiled fondly at the old memories, yet i also grew sad. What could i have done to avoid this? One single tear left my eye. FInally Sombra spoke, in a soft voice which was somehow comforting to hear again.

"Please don't cry, my precious Queen." He walked up to me and smiled softly, as if he too was thinking about our old memories. "How could i not, knowing that you were never there, seeing our daughter grow up in this beautiful mare she is today, or that we were never be able to get married. Just because you were mortal and i immortal." I replied in a sad, yet soft voice.

"I always watched over you and our daughter, my lovely Queen. Even though i was banished, i kept watching out for you. Even though i could not protect you physically, i could and would warn you if there were other threats against Equestria."

"You did? I-I never knew you did." He pulled me into a hug, it felt good and slowely i fell into a deep sleep, Sombra holding me and whispering kind words. Just like he would do when all this hadn't happened. When we could be together, and Celestia hadn't forced me to break up with him. But she only did what she did to protect me from a broken Heart. Little did she know then, that she made my Heart break by forcing us apart.

TimeSkip (Still in the flashback)

"Hello Tia. What do you need?" I asked Celestia, as she entered my chambers. "Hey Luna. I just wanted to show you some pictures from a few hours ago." she replied, showing me the pictures that were taken on her wedding. I looked with wide eyes at the pictures, before looking at Celestia.

"Who is that?!" I asked, already getting a bit angry. "That is a question you'll have to ask your daughter." Celestia replied with a smile.

"Oh, i will alright!" I said, planning in my head how to hurt him if he ever did something to my daughter. "Don't be to hard on her, Luna. You were the same age as her when you met Him." Celestia spoke softly.

"I know that, Tia! I just want to protect her from the hurt that i experienced. I don't want her to go through that!" 

"You must remember, Luna, that it was my fault you had to go through that kind of pain, not sombra's nor that stallion."

I only nodded, not feeling it to reply to her anymore. Celestia sighed sadly, before walking out of my chambers. If Celestia had looked back, she would've seen me with red eyes, with green where nomally it was white and purple smoke comming from my eyes.

End flashback.

???'s pov

Tomorrow i would make my move. Lunar Heart would fall right into my trap, and then we could move into the next phase of the plan. Luna had already fallen under our spell. We had tricked her into coming to us, and she quickly fell. Now, we just need Lunar Heart to fall, and then we will be able to bring that little Sun princess down. Everything is going to plan, just as long as he won't intervere! Princess Lunar Heart will be mine. I'll claim her love, at any cost!

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