Chapter 16~ The crystal King part 2

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Hey my moonlings!

It has been a while since i updated. Sorry about that. I have a very busy life, so i don't have a lot of time on my hands to sit down and write more. I have been thinking about how i wanted this chapter to go, seeing as this story is reaching a climax. I feel like this was a good way, but i am not entirely happy about it. If you have a idea about how i could change it for the better, let me know! Not one single idea is wrong. Maybe i could even gain inspiration from your idea's. If i do, and end up changing this part, i will let you know who helped me with the rewrite of this chapter. I really hope you enjoy.

Before we get into the chapter, i am already slowly writing a 3rd part full of bloopers. I will even do a behind the scenes, but that is just when this book is complete. Again with this, let me know what you want to see in the bloopers! Also, if you see any spelling mistakes, let me know so i can fix them. English is not my first language So, let's get on with the chapter!

~ Lunar_Heart

Father stood right infront of me, facing Celestia and Discord, who were standing to my right. They were all out of breath after the fight they just had. Still, my father's blood red eyes burned with fury at the white coated Alicorn and the Draqonecuus. Discord stared back at him, with an look of protectiveness. I didn't know if it were just for Celestia, or if it were for mom and me as well. Celestia wasn't looking at father, instead, her light pink eyes stared into my light blue ones. I lightly nodded, before looking to my left. My mother layed unconcious against the steps that led to, what once was, Celestia's throne. The old throne room itself was even more damaged than when we were here a few months ago. Thinking back on all that happend, it seemed like years ago.

Why did almost every horrible battle between our families take place in the old castle that i once called my home? I looked back to my father, who's horn was surrounded by his red magic. He shot a beam of the same colour to Celestia, who dogded the dangerous beam just in time.

"NOT MY WIFE YOU SHADOWFREAK!"Discord growled out, and raced towards him with his claws at the ready to injure the black maned stallion. In the mean time, Celestia sent a yellow beam back to my Father, who raced forward to face discord head on. Celestia's beam missed him, and headed in the direction where mom still layed. I braced myself as Discord and my father where getting closer to where i was standing. I took a deep breath and tackeld my father to the ground once he was close enough.

I closed my eyes as both of us hit the ground more than once, and only opened them when we didn't move anymore. I looked up, seeing the staircase that led up to mother's broken throne. I groaned out as i felt a stinging pain on the back of my head, before looking down. Father layed next to me, with his eyes closed. He was unconcious, probably because he hit his head on the floor at least once or twice. I heard hoovesteps running to where father and i layed. Celestia, discord and mother, who was suddenly awake, were standing over us. Mother didn't seem to want to attack Discord and Celestia anymore. All three of them were smiling at me with pride in their eyes.

"You did it!" I looked at her in confusion, before looking at father's chest, where the cursed artifact had been. It wasn't there anymore! Looking a little more further down to the ground, i could see the artifact on the ground in many small pieces. I sighed in relief, and looked back at the still smiling white alicorn. I smiled and replied.

"No, we did it." Now, my wish was truly coming true. We finally could be a real family. Mother and i embraced each other. Discord and Celestia were watching us, before looking at each other.

Third POV

"We should tell them, shouldn't we?" Discord whispered softly to his wife, as they watched mother and daughter embrace each other. "Yes," The white coated alicorn answered her husbands question lowely, "But not now. We should wait for a while. They can finally be happy. This day is not the right day to tell them." 

If somepony would be in the Everfree forest, which no pony was, exepct for Zecorra, They would see Three alicorn mares walking together with a draconequus and an unconcious unicorn stallion hovering a little above them. The two blue coated mares were walking in silence. Nothing needed to be said at the moment. They were at peace, for now.

Once the group reached the edge of the forest, the draconequus used his chaos magic to teleport the group to the canterlot castle. The two blue coated mares walked to the elder mare's room with the unconcious grey coated stallion. Leaving the married couple behind them.

Lunar Heart's POV

 Mother and i walked to mother's room, with father hovering in mother's magic, about an inch above us. Once we reached the room, my mother used her magic to lower father on her bed. Mother climed on the bed, and sat next to my father. I used my magic to teleport a chair, which i placed to the other side of the bed, so i was also able to look at my father. I smiled softly, as mother kissed my father on the cheek. This day was the best day i have ever had. Nothing could ruin this day for me.

Celestia's POV

Luna and Lunar Heart had just left when one of my royal guards came running at Discord and i at full speed. Discord and i looked at each other. Everypony in the castle knew that if a royal guard was running, something very bad had happened. As the royal guard came closer, i noticed that it was Lunar Heart's old friend, Shining Shield.

Once the stallion reached us, he was completely out of breath. He tried to speak, but no words came out. "Take your time, Shield." I said, as the stallion in question caught his breath. After a few seconds he opened his mouth to try again.

"He escaped," Shining Shield said, his voice had a hint of anger to it. "Noah has escaped. We couldn't catch him. I'm sorry, Princess." At those words, my body filled with dread. How were Luna and Lunar Heart going to react to the horrible news. Their happy day was about to get ruined. Why did it always have to happen to either Luna or her daughter?

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