Chapter 3 ~ Nightmare Night

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🌜Lunar Heart's POV🌛

I watched as my mother Lowerd the moon and my aunt raised the sun. It's been a few months since mum returned, some ponies were still scared of her but almost everypony was overjoyed that their Princess had returned.

"I'm going to sleep now, tia" mum said. "Alright. Goodday my dear sister." Auntie said hugging my mum. "Goodday mum!" I called out as she walked inside to her room.

Mum had gotten her own room when she came back, but of course my mom wouldn't want to sleep on her own on her first night back.

"I'm going to visit Twilight today, auntie." I said, looking at my aunt. "Okay, moon. But be careful!" She said back. "Okay, see you soon!"

Time skip

When i arrived in ponyville, ponies came to me to ask how my mother was and just to talk...... I never thought that i would hate this more than Those people who hate my family! But luckly i was able to go to the library where Twilight lives.

You may ask why i went to twilight? Well tonight is Nightmare Night and every year i go to twilight's place to celebrate. And this nightmare night is for me more special the other nightmare nights, and i know you know, cause my mother is back. Hopefully she will come tonight. But i don't know for sure, ah we'll see.

"Lunar Heart! It's Nice to see you again!" Twilight said, once she had opened the door. "It's Nice to see you to twilight. I'm sorry i couldn't visit but you know, i was busy with princess duties and i, of course, had to help my mother getting used to all of this."

"I can't blame you Lunar Heart. I know you are busy with your Princess duties and also with your mother. You don't have to apologise." With that said she let me in and closed the door. "Hello spike. How are you?" I greeted spike, who was doing something i couldn't see. "Hello Princess. I'm fine, and how are you?" He replied. "I'm fine spike. But how many times must i tell you to just call me Lunar Heart or even Moon?" "Sorry Lunar heart." "You don't have to apologise spike." I said with a smile.

"So, what will you dress up as?" Twilight asked. "It's a surprise." I replied. "And you?" "I will go as Starswirl the bearded." "Should've known." "Why?" "You always go as him" "........"

We spent time, talking and laughing. Of course, we also talked about my mother and Twilight's studies. But as it grew closer to the evening, we couldn't wait longer so we agreed to dess up into our costumes.

(Lunar heart's nightmare night's costume)

(Lunar heart's nightmare night's costume)

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I was thinking about going as my 'evil' side, Midnight Moon, Like Nightmare moon is the evil side of my mother. Smart right?

"ah!" Twilight screamed when I walked in. the only thing I did was laugh. her reaction was so funny! "so what do you think? Is it good enough for nightmare night?" "Lunar Heart! you scared me! ............ It is amazing!"

Time Skip

Somepony wanted to sing a song. of couse it was beautiful and it was about Nightmare night.....

(I don't own this!!! Though it is a very catchy song!)

Of course the most ponies would sing too, me included! Then something happened. The sky darkend and dark clouds came rolling in. Only the moon wasn't blocked. A carriage came flying down, black and dark blue with spikes and there she stood, my mother, Princess Luna, Mare of Nightmare Night. So mum came too? It would be indeed a successful Nightmare Night. She spoke to a few ponies, including twilight. She hadn't seen me yet, so i started planning how to scare her.

Another boring time skip

My mother just scared many foals by 'turning into' nightmare moon. It was funny to see them. A foal even was brave enough to go to her, and asked her if she could do it again next year. As i looked up i saw that Rainbow Dash, dressed up as a shadowbolt, trying to scare Twilight but got scared instead by dear old mom. so funny

Then my plan came into action. I made the moon shine brighter and stand higher. Mother, Spike and twilight looked confused. Then i let out an evil laugh, Like the one nightmare did when she shot aunt Celestia out of the sky.

 Mother looked around, trying to find the one who let out that laugh, but she couldn't find me.  Slowly i made the Sky darker and thunder louder. And i walked forwards to the two ponies, and dragon, who were still looking around.

"Show yourself, Coward!" Mother called out. "As you wish." I said, trying to make sure mother didn't know of was me, in an evil tone. I think she didn't, well i hope so!

Then i teleported behind my mom, and Twilight acted scared. Before the night started, i told her of my plan so she wouldn't get scared And she had seen me before nightmare night began. And Spike had an great expression, i think he would have nightmares for a few weeks. Of course my mom didn't know i was behind her so she asked.

"Why are you both scared?" "L-look b-be-behind you!" Spike stutterd. Slowely my mom turned around. When she saw me she looked a bit scared. "Boo." I said in an dark and low voice. I looked her in the eyes and laughed so hard Spike ran away, scared. I hope he won't be scared of me for a Long time. "L-Lunar Heart?" She stuttered.

She did something unexpected. She began to laugh! That was not what i had expected, but at least i scared somepony, well dragon. "And what do you think?" I asked, happily.  "You look great." She replied. "I came up with it because of you mom. I thought 'maybe i should dress up as my evil side'. So were you scared?" "Just a little bit, but i think you made Spike very scared, my dear." Then we Walked back to ponyville and enjoy the rest of the night. It even involved me scaring a few other people, Like Rarity. When i had scared her, she began to talk about how i looked amazing. And Rainbow, poor little rainbow. She will be scared of me for a little while.

She tried to scare a small group of ponies, but before she could do anything, i Scared her. All it took was an evil laugh, and i only looked her in the eyes. She screamed and flew away like there was no tomorrow!

I was in search for Pinkie, because she loves getting scared. After a few hours of looking and scaring people, i found her. She wore a Chicken outfit, which seemed fitting for tonight. Pinkie had her back to me so it was easier to scare her. I stood behind her, and not making a sound. I slowely Lowerd my head, and let out a quiet "boo!" Like the chicken she was, jumped into the air and ran away.

Before the night ended, i began to look for Rainbow. And i found her, she was together with pinkie pie. They didn't see me comming but they did hear me, so they turned around. "Hey girls! How did tonight go?" I greeted them. "Oh, and Rainbow, i'm Sorry for scaring you so much. But you did deserve it!" Rainbow only nodded. "OMGLUMARHEARTYOULOOKAMAZING!DIDYOUSCAREMANYPONIES?!" pinky said in one breath. "Thank you pinky, and yes i did scare a few ponies and i scared you to."

"That was you?!"She kinda shouted. "Yup!" i said, cheerfully. "I can't wait for next year!" Pinkie said, before running of again. Rainbow was not far behind her.

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