Chapter 1 ~ Nightmare Moon

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🌜Lunar heart's pov🌛

I was always afraid something would bad would happen to either my mother or auntie Celestia. I used to have nightmares about something bad happening to them, but i never thought that one of them would come true. I was convinced that nothing would ever happen to either of them. How wrong i was.

Hello! My name is Princess Lunar heart, and i am the Princess of the Night. Well, the second one. I am 15 years old, and i am an Alicorn. Also i already have my cutie mark, It's a moon with a heart inside of it. My mother is Princess Luna, Princess of the Night. She raises the moon every evening, and i help her do the stars. And she has an older sister named Princess Celestia. She is the Princess of the day. Which means that she raises the sun. My father however is a complete mystery, my mother and aunt know who he is but they don't want to tell me. They say that i will get to know who he is when i'm older. I hope i get to know soon.

Today was just a normal day, birds were singing, and flowers were blooming. But i was very wrong about that, just like some other things.

This day went like each other day. Well, it was until mid-day.

I was walking to the throne room with my aunt Celestia, like usual, when we saw that the moon rose in front of the sun. We looked at each other and ran as fast as we could to the throne room, knowing something was wrong. And it had to do with mother, she was the only other pony in Equestria who could raise and lower the moon.

When we enterd we saw a tall alicorn mare standing between the thrones of my mother and My aunt. I knew who that was, Nightmare moon. She would come at night and talk to my mother, and i was naïve enough to think they were friends. Until one day I overheard their conversation. Since then, i knew she was evil. I looked at my aunt, unsure of what to do. What Could a young alicorn Princess of the night do against a fully grown alicorn Princess of the night?

She walked forwards to Nightmare Moon, and began talking to her. Obviously, Aunt Celestia was trying to get mother back. But it didn't work, i think Auntie even angered her.

"Mother, please, lower the moon." I said, hoping she would listen to me.

"Luna! You must lower the moon. It is your duty!" Auntie said to Nightmare. It seemed like mother would listen, however i was proven wrong. All she did was laugh. Not a friendly laugh or even that laugh that bullies have, no, it was an Evil Laugh. "Luna? I AM NIGHTMARE MOON!" Then she shot a beam to aunt Celestia, but before it could hit her i jumped infront of her and got hit by the beam.

"NO!" Auntie screamed as i was blasted against the wall. Auntie had a look of horror on her face and turned to nightmare. Nightmare looked at me sadly, before she looked at auntie. Did Nightmare care for me? Or was it mother that looked sadly at me?

Nightmare shot a blast above auntie but thankfully auntie flew away from where she first stood. And then she flew through the hole in the roof.

"And where do you think you're going?" Nightmare asked and began to chase her. I was to weak to move, what had that spell done to me? Or was it just that i hit the wall pretty hard?

After a few minutes i saw auntie fall from the sky. "Auntie!" I screamed as she began to fell to the floor. I tried to use my Magic to slower her fall and or worked! I stood up slowely, because i was still a bit weak. I tried to ran to aunt Celestia's unconcious form and try to wake her up. And she did, thankfully.

With a look of sadness on her face she said "oh sister, i am Sorry. But you have given me no other choice but to use these." Then she picked the elements of harmony with her Magic and flew up to meet Nightmare. Oh, mom  why did you have to do this? I wonder what the elements will save her.

Nightmare tried to fight the beam of friendship but no matter what she did the beam was stronger. "NO!!!!!!!!!" Nightmare screamed as she was sent to the moon.

Aunt Celestia came down to the ground with tears falling down her eyes. I ran to her and hugged her. "I-i-i'm s-so s-Sorry Moon." She cried.

Moon was aunt Celestia's Nickname for me ."it will be alright auntie." I tried to comfort her.

"LUNA!!!!!" She cried while i hugged her, while tears streamed down my face. "D-don't worry auntie. We will see her soon again, and you won't be alone. You still have me."

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟A Thousand Years Later. (Spongebob voice)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

"Your highness." A royal gaurd said. "Yes?" I asked "Princess Celestia request your presence in the throne room." "Thank you." Ireplied, before walking towards the throne room, where Celestia would be.

As i walked through the hallways of the castle i looked at the walls of the castle. It is almost a thousand years ago we built another castle because the castle was just a reminder of what happend that day. Aunt Celesria says that if i sing at night, mother will hear it. I hope it is true. Soon i will see her again and hear her voice again, how i miss her. Before i knew it i reached the throne room where now only one throne stood.

"Goodmorning, moon. How are you today?" The white coloured mare asked
"Good. And you auntie?" I asked.
"Also good. You know what day it is don't you?" She asked.
"Yes. The day mother finally comes back."
"Moon, i want you to stay here. Just in case something goes wrong. And so that you will be safe."
"But i want to help! I want to see her again!." I said.
"Moon, Please. She won't come back, until Twilight and her soon to be friends will use the elements to defeat Nightmare Moon."
"But i can use the Elements too! If I do it, it will be quicker!"
"Moon. Please." Celestia said.

With a deep sigh, i agreed. I just had to wait until Aunt Celestia returned from Ponyville, together with mom. tThat was when i would see her again.  I said goodbye to Aunt Celestia, and went to my room.

Time skip. (Brought you by Lunar Heart's Father)

Lunar heart a voice said. The voice sounded familiar but i couldn't place it.
"W-who's there?!" I asked
Oh Lunar heart don't tell me you have forgotten me, my dear.
"Nightmare." I growled.
She stepped out of the shadows. The mare who i once called mother and seek comfort when i was scared. But she was just as i last saw her. A black coat, light blue armor and dragonlike blue/green eyes.                                                                                                                                                 
Ah so you DO remember me. She chuckled.                                    "What are you doing here nightmare and what did you do to auntie?" I asked.
Why, i gave your 'auntie' the same fate as she gave me. As for your first question, you will soon see.

She began to laugh. Not that normal laugh you do with your Friends but an evil laugh. It is truly terrifing, i tell you. I felt shivers down my spine, but i knew that i had to do something. I gave a low growl before speaking again.

"If you DARE lay one other hoof on auntie, i swear, i WILL hurt you." I said.
But if You hurt me, you will also hurt your mother, my dear. Then she used her Magic to do something, i just don't know what. After that, everything went black.

Time skip (brought to you by the mare of nightmare night!)

*gasp*" Princess Lunar Heart!" A voice said. The voice was from Twilight Sparkle. The faithful student from aunt Celestia! She was also an Alicorn, and a future Princess of Equestria. I tried to open my eyes and to my surprise they opend.
Nightmare stood in front of Twilight with 5 round stones. The elements of harmony! I looked around and i noticed we were in the castle of the two sisters.
Ah so you are finally awake. Nightmare said looking straight into my eyes. I looked back at her with hatred in my eyes.
"Let. Her. Go." I said dangerously slow.
Why would i do that, my dear?

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