Chapter 2

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A/N Apologies for the long delay in updating.  So the story jumps around on the timeline and I hope I've made it obvious enough as the story moves on!

June 2020

The virtual meeting about the reunion had come to an end and the 6 of them plus Ben started to say their goodbyes, disappearing from the screens one by one. Jen was about to end the call when she spotted that David was still connected. "So have you got any plans for the rest of the day" she asked, not sure if he had noticed she was still there. David's laugh came back at her almost instantly "Well in normal circumstances I'd say yes and reel off a list of things but obviously nothing in life is normal right now is it?" came the reply. "What about you? Any exciting lockdown plans?" Jen rolled her eyes as she answered, her tone heavy with sarcasm, "Oh you know, I thought I might take the dogs out for their 19th walk of the day round the garden, or I'll find another cupboard to clear out or....... or maybe I'll just stay here and chat to you and let you entertain me all day" she added, her tone changing mid-sentence from sarcastic to something that sounded almost hopeful.

"I'd be happy to" came his swift response, "I think we are long overdue a proper catch up, just the two of us."

And before they knew it, several hours had passed. They talked about the projects they were working on, the Covid situation, everything and nothing.... everything that is except for the elephant in the room..... them. That subject remained untouched, hanging over them like some kind of cloak. Not uncomfortable, not difficult, but not something they were willing to take the chance to remove, well not just yet at least.

It was David who looked at his watch and declared it was almost time for him to call Cleo so he had better end their chat. "I have really enjoyed this" he said "We definitely shouldn't leave it this long again before we catch up."

"I agree" Jen replied "Especially as we have lots of spare time right now, it would be good to chat again soon."

"Great, I'll speak to you tomorrow then?!" came his response, half joking, half hoping she'd say yes.

"I'd love that!" Her smile almost filled the screen it was that wide.

"Ok well message me when you're free and I'll be waiting. You have my number right?"

"I'm sure I do" she responded, knowing full well it was securely in her iPhone under "Schwim" with a lobster emoji next to it. "Have you still got mine?"

"I'm pretty sure I have it" came his reply, his cheeks colouring slightly as he thought about how her name was stored as Jen with 2 lobster icons surrounding it.

"Awesome, I'll message you tomorrow then. And David...... thank you. It's been really good to talk to you again."

She ended the call with a wink and a wave and blew a quick kiss towards the screen.

It was some hours later that evening when she was tidying round the kitchen that she realised she still had a big goofy grin on her face. He still has that power over me she thought, and instinctively picked up her phone and typed out a message "Hey you, just checking I do still have your right number. Looking forward to chatting tomorrow xx"

On the opposite coast, David was just about to head up to bed when his phone buzzed. His face lit up when he saw the message. "Who is this?" he shot a reply grinning from ear to ear.

He waited a few seconds before sending a follow up "Sorry, just joking! I'm looking forward to it too, today was great. XX"

That night 2 people went to sleep on 2 different coasts and in 2 different time zones, but wearing the same big smile on their faces and with the same butterfly feeling in their hearts. 

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