Chapter 7

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There had been multiple times during the filming when Jen had signaled David to rescue her. She was known for being the most emotional one of the gang and boy had she lived up to her reputation. If she hadn't been amongst some of her very oldest and closest friends, she might have felt embarrassed, but she was, and she didn't. They all knew the history between her and David. The star-crossed lovers who had never quite got it together. The other four had all witnessed the 10 years of love and adoration and thinly disguised lust between the two of them, and they accepted it would be quite challenging for them to step back in time to that place.

They were nearing the end of filming on day one and Jen was alone in her trailer. Chris had just finished re-touching her hair and had gone off to see to the other two leading ladies. She heard a tap at her door and a familiar voice saying, "It's me."

"It's open" she called and smiled brightly as David entered, closing the door behind him, and wandering across to where she was sat.

"I just wanted to come and check in on you and see how you are doing."

"Oh, I'm doing ok" she said. Then she remembered her eyes couldn't lie to him. "Well, I'm doing better than I was this morning anyhow!" She thought back to that moment when she had been totally shell-shocked by all the unhappy memories. "But at least we have been able to reminisce about so many of the happy times today. And honestly, those are the ones I remember whenever I think back. I guess I was just unprepared for that early tidal wave of negativity and grief for the past and it rocked me for a while." At some point while she was talking, she had sub-consciously taken hold of David's hand, linking their fingers together and running her thumb across his palm. "I can't not touch you" she suddenly exclaimed through a high-pitched giggle, holding up his hand like she was displaying some kind of trophy.

"Well, you won't hear me complaining about that!" he joked in response. They had always been tactile, it was part of them; their telepathy, their secret language..... their love.

Jen was suddenly very aware of the proximity of his body to hers; legs and sides touching, one set of fingers entwined, his other arm resting partly on the back of the seat, partly across her shoulders. Her eyes were drawn to his lips and as she looked at them, she couldn't prevent her tongue from running suggestively around hers. Her free hand wandered up to his face and caressed his cheek which was starting to show the slightest hint of stubble. Her eyes connected with his and she could see her own desires reflected in them. She gently pulled him towards her, lips parted ready for his touch. He leaned in, eyes closed, mouth ajar, drawn to her like a highly charged magnet. The kiss was soft but insistent, tender but needy. It was familiar but at the same time new and exciting. She sucked on his bottom lip then opened her mouth wider, her tongue seeking permission to explore, a permission that was at once granted and welcomed.

His free hand was now on her tiny waist, caressing the partially exposed skin. His tongue was enjoying the taste of her mouth, their lips moving almost as one as they relaxed deeper into each other, breathing getting heavier as the intensity grew. The air around them seemed to fizz and sizzle with electric energy.

"Jen this is your 10 minute stage call."

They were startled apart by a sudden loud rap on the door and the stage runner's announcement.

"Shit! Fuck!" she said as she leapt to her feet, straightening her top and wiping her lips with her hand.

"Ok I'll be out in a moment" she shouted.

"Now this really does feel like stepping back in time...." David said through a wide grin, "...somebody shouting cut just at the point where we absolutely don't want to." He stood, grabbed her waist from behind and spun her around for one more quick peck on the lips before adjusting his jacket and composing himself. His mind flashed back some 25 years to her dressing room where they had 'practiced' their love scenes on many occasions, at least that's the line they'd fed to the unfortunate assistant who had stumbled across them on one particular evening. They had sworn to be more careful and more professional after that, but love has a funny way of making you do things you normally wouldn't dream of, and although they were absolutely more discrete, they certainly didn't deny themselves a heavy make out session when they felt the need.

"Wait....." she said, suddenly spotting one of her long blonde hairs stuck to his lapel and deftly removing it with her fingers.

"It looks like we have no choice but to wait" he replied, a hint of frustration hidden behind his humour.

"Honey, we've waited 27 years, we can wait a little more." Jen checked his lips for make-up smudges, quickly re-applied her gloss, and slid her hand into his as she pulled him towards the door, throwing him the most sexy and seductive look over her shoulder as she did so. "Besides, what I want to do with you will take a lot longer than a few stolen minutes."

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