Chapter 5

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Early April 2021

It was a bright, sunny Sunday morning and Jen was out of bed uncharacteristically early, having barely slept a wink. Today was the day. It was finally happening at long last. She had spent over an hour in her closet deciding what to wear, before finally settling on the first outfit she had pulled out, a plain pale grey t-shirt and light denim jeans. She hummed aloud as she blow-dried her wavy hair, grinning as she caught a glance of the reflection in the mirror. "Why do I feel like a love-struck teenager again?" her internal voice teased.

By 11am she was ready. She had prepped a tasty salad and fresh vegetable pizza for their lunch and was running out of things to tidy. She found herself aimlessly wandering around the house, the butterflies in her stomach growing ever more restless, the three dogs following her, picking up on her nervous energy and curious to know why. She suddenly had a thought that what if Cleo was afraid of dogs?! "Fuck" she said aloud, as she gestured them to follow her and popped them outside in their enclosed yard area, just as she heard her security system announce that his vehicle was at the gate. She called out to the voice activated panel and buzzed them in.

She was already waiting at the door as they stepped out of the car. She wasn't sure what to expect from Cleo. David had said she was strong willed but could also be quite shy, however she suddenly sprinted down the pathway, shouting Jen's name, and throwing her arms around her in a giant bear hug. Jen instinctively bent and wrapped her arms around the girl's shoulders, pulling her in even closer. "It's so great to finally meet you!" she exclaimed. She glanced up and locked eyes with David, who was walking towards them both, unable to hide the enormous grin on his face.

"Room for one more?" he asked as he reached the pair who were still locked in a tight embrace. Cleo lifted her head and extended an arm towards him. "What are you waiting for?" she replied, pulling him towards her and Jen, who was still entranced by his gaze. David wrapped his arms tightly around the pair, his lips instinctively kissing Jen on the head as he briefly inhaled the scent of her hair. She lifted her eyes to meet his once more. "Hey you" she said softly, not even trying to control the smile and adoration that lit up her face.

They would both have happily stayed like that for a long time but Cleo had other ideas. "Are your dogs here?" she asked, pulling out of the embrace. "Dad said you had dogs and I'd love to meet them too. I want a dog but he won't let me."

"Then meet them you shall!" giggled Jen and stretched out her hand to lead Cleo and David into the large kitchen area. "Now I warn you, you may get jumped on and you will definitely get licked!" she cautioned as she opened the side door and her 3 furry friends came flying in, 2 of them making a beeline for Cleo who squealed delightedly as they chased her around the room. Sophie, who was more cautious and hesitant, sidled up to David and proceeded to flop down at his feet, her belly in the air in a 'tickle me' pose. He didn't miss a beat as he bent down to give the dog the attention she required.

"Woah, you're honoured" said Jen, "She's usually super skeptical of people she has never met, especially guys."

"Maybe she recognises me from our video chats" he quipped, standing tall again, shyly admiring the petite woman in front of him, thinking she seemed to get better with age, if that was even possible.

"Or maybe she just knows a good guy when she sees one" came Jen's gentle reply, her bright blue eyes locking once more with his deep brown ones. "I'm so glad you're finally here."

"So am I." David opened his arms to welcome her into them, affectionately rubbing her back as they stood together watching Cleo who was by now lay sprawled on the sofa with all three of the dogs leaping around her, the kitchen filled with the happy sounds of squeals and barks.

A few hours later they had eaten lunch, which Cleo declared the best she had ever had, had been given the grand tour of the house and were now sat out on the large terrace enjoying the hazy afternoon sun. Cleo had spent pretty much the entire time stuck like glue to Jen and the dogs, asking questions about Friends and what it had been like; borrowing make up, scarves and glasses; drawing pictures and taking funny photos. At one point David had quipped that he may as well not be there at which time the two of them had thrown cushions at him, resulting in a game of chase where he somehow managed to end up collapsed on a rattan sofa with both of them on top of him.

"Cleo, if you'd like, you can take the dogs down and explore the garden, if it's ok with you of course David?"

"Sure if you want to?" he replied.

"I'd love to!" the dark-haired girl cried as the dogs jumped up, sensing it was playtime again.

"Just be careful near the pool" Jen advised, as she directed Cleo towards the steps down onto the grassy expanse that stretched far and wide below.

They watched as she happily descended the stairs following the 3 eager dogs ready to explore and play.

Jen casually walked over to where David was now sat upright on the outdoor sofa and set herself down next to him, instinctively closing the gap between them, her hand resting on his knee as David placed his arm comfortably around her shoulders. Anyone who saw them would assume they were a long-standing couple. They gave off that energy. The ease with which their bodies were in sync; touching, mirroring, connecting.

"She is just the best!" declared Jen. "You're right to be so proud of her. She's adorable."

"Thanks. I think so, but I'm biased" he replied. "Though I think she may actually already love you more than she loves me" he added with a laugh.

"I think she loves the dogs more than either of us" Jen giggled in response, shifting sideways in her seat so that she could see him better, her knees now pressed tightly against his legs.

"I'm so glad you're here" she said earnestly, taking his free hand in hers and absent mindedly caressing his fingers. She didn't need to say anything else, her eyes told him everything. After quickly checking they weren't being watched, he tilted his head and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips. Short, tender and filled with affection.

"There is no place on earth I'd rather be right now" he said, "No place at all."

It was Jen who instigated the kiss this time, silently leaning in and brushing her lips delicately against his, before breaking that connection and resting their foreheads together, the tightening of his grip on her shoulders telling her that he felt the surge of electricity as much as she did.

"Do you think we could arrange some time alone before you head back to New York?" she breathed, aware that they could be interrupted at any moment.

"I'm not going home until we do" he replied equally softly. "I think we have waited long enough." 

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