Chapter 8

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Day one of filming had overrun and it was gone midnight by the time they had everything they needed in the can. Jen had been hoping to see David before they left set, but he had been whisked away by Ben, deep in discussion about some of the segments that hadn't gone entirely as planned. As soon as she arrived home, she picked up her phone to text him but saw that he had already beaten her to it.

"Sorry I didn't get chance to say goodbye tonight. I already can't wait to see you again in the morning. Sleep well sweetheart xx"

She tapped out a quick reply. "Miss you already! I'm going to ask the gang back to mine after the show tomorrow so don't make other plans. Sleep well honey xx"

She held the phone against her heart for a few moments, unable to control the smile on her face. It had been a long time since she had felt like this. She had loved other men of course, and she had definitely been in lust on several occasions, but with David it had always been more. Just like their on-screen personas, they had connected on a deeper level. They may not have made it to couple status back then, but the love they had shared had been none the lesser for it.

Everyone was back in hair and make-up by 8am the next morning. The atmosphere was different to the previous day, a lot less melancholy and reflective, and much more celebratory and party like. They had multiple interviews scheduled to start the day, the three girls and the three boys grouped together, so it was almost lunch time before Jen and David even had chance to see each other in passing. And that was pretty much how it continued for the rest of the day. Things were busy, frantic, and full-on, and there was barely chance to catch a breath before one segment had finished and they were rushed on to the next. There was definitely no chance of a secret trailer hook-up today!

It was whilst filming 'the huddle' that Jen was finally able to invite everyone back to hers after the official wrap party, which although was bound to be fun, would still be filled with lots of media requests and contractual responsibilities. And sure enough it was. It was great fun, and it was truly wonderful to catch up with so many old friends and co-stars, made extra special by some of their own families being there. But it was definitely not the time or place for any public displays of affection for David and Jen. In fact, they had barely managed to say more than a few words to each other all day that hadn't been for the benefit of the cameras. They had managed some sneaky looks and body contact during the coffee shop segment which they had both taken comfort in. There was something magically sentimental about that set, after all it was the place where they had shared their first real kiss. And they had almost been caught out when, during the Carpool Karaoke filming with James, they'd momentarily dropped their guards as David rescued Jen from the not so stationary vehicle. But on the whole, they had kept up their charade, which they'd both found exceptionally difficult during the "crush" discussion, Jen feeling mean for throwing the question over to David like she had, but not trusting herself not to reveal that the man who had stolen her heart 27 years ago had recently stolen it all over again. Hell, she hadn't even had that discussion with him yet!

The wrap party was almost wrapped up when David was finally able to grab her in his arms using the excuse of wanting a couple of personal photos. He still couldn't really believe that of all the men in the world, he was the one who had got to share so much history with her. He had always known she was special, and once again, here she was proving him right, resting happily in his embrace, her body pressed so tightly against his that he could feel every breath she took. He could smell her shampoo and perfume, mixed with the delicate scent that was just her. His brain was telling him it's just pheromones, but his heart was singing that it was the smell of love, and this time around he was determined to listen to his heart.

His assistant took a couple of photos of them looking and smiling at the camera, then nodded that he had the shot. Jen rested her head down onto his chest and he heard her let out a contented sigh, at the exact same moment that his assistant snapped one last picture.

Jen breathed in his scent, closing her eyes momentarily as she enjoyed the strength and comfort of his arms. Although she had been around him all day, she had missed him. She could barely wait to get home and relax, just her, him and their special friends..... and then eventually just her and him. She would make sure that happened tonight. They truly had waited long enough. Their commitments to Ross and Rachel were over and they were finally free. Free to explore their emotions. Free to be together if they chose to be. Free to make their own rules. Free to fall in love all over again.

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