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Almost 10 months since the reunion had been filmed, Jen & David agreed that they had neither of them ever felt happier.  Sure, the continuing pandemic had made life and travel a little trickier, but they had negotiated things together as best they could.

They had decided very early on that this was their private business and that, for now at least, they would be telling no one except their close family and friends that they absolutely were a couple and intended to stay that way for as long as life would let them.  Their story had almost been blown wide apart in August when someone had spilled news of a trip to one of Jen's favourite vineyards; where they had spent a glorious day together, strolling around the vines, hand in hand, arm in arm, eating a fabulous lunch, before heading home to enjoy some more of the delicate bubbles whilst bathing together in a bath full of delicate bubbles.  But they had had their reps swiftly shut that down and just hit the "deny, deny, deny" button whenever they had been questioned; David as always handling that far more successfully than Jen who frequently stumbled and stuttered her way through her list of "brother" excuses! And, although the downside to fame can be a total lack of privacy, the upside to being incredibly rich is that money, alongside always being the immensely kind and respectful people that they both were, can also sometimes buy discretion, so they had managed to venture out together on a few occasions without being rumbled.

Some of David's clothes now occupied their very own section of Jen's closet, and she would frequently wrap herself up in one of his hoodies when he was back in New York.  They hadn't made long term plans about living together yet, but, as David had wisely said, Cleo wouldn't be young forever and as she grew up, she would need him around less and less.  The girl had been over the moon when she had been told about her dad's new relationship status and had enjoyed a couple of weekends together with them in LA, where she had delighted in picking out a new colour scheme and décor for the bedroom Jen had redesigned just for her.

And so, for now, they were living one week or one job at a time, figuring things out as they went along and making sure they spent as much time together as they could, whenever they could.  They missed each other terribly when they were apart, of course, but they made certain to make the most of the limited time they did have together.  The number of hours they still spent in the bedroom, tenderly making love, and taking huge delight in enjoying each other's bodies had surprised them both, but they were definitely not complaining. One afternoon, Jen had even hired a private plane on a whim to whisk her to New York just so she could spend a few hours in his arms, before flying back to work the next morning.  Sometimes these things just had to be done.  They had hoped to get together for a few days over the Christmas Holidays, but Omicron had sadly ruined those plans.  They had, however, booked a top secret, luxury villa in Hawaii where they were going to enjoy a short romantic break, once Jen had finished the first stage of filming Murder Mystery 2.

As for the future, maybe they would go public, maybe they wouldn't. Maybe they would just stop hiding but never actually declare anything officially, since they were both firmly of the opinion that actually, their private lives should be exactly that, private.  Or maybe, one day, they would shout loud and proud about their love for each other as they paraded arm in arm down a paparazzi laden red carpet. However the future unfolded, they were both entirely sure that they wanted it to be together, making up for all that lost time, happily in love for the rest of their lives.

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