Chapter 10

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It was almost 11am when Jen finally stirred from her sleep and found a pair of sexy, deep brown eyes gazing at her. "Hey you" she smiled, her morning voice deep and husky.

"Hey you" he smiled in return, unable to stop himself from leaning in and giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. "God, I always thought you looked incredible before, but watching you waking up in my arms is just....... just wow! You are the most beautiful sight I have ever seen."

"I can't believe you're lying here with me" she replied, her cheeks blushing from his compliment. "I can't tell you how many nights I have dreamed about this moment, and now, here you are, and it's real....... and I feel so happy." Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke. "These are happy tears I promise" she beamed, leaning into him and placing a tender kiss on his mouth, before sitting up and simultaneously bursting into a loud fit of giggles.

"What?" he asked, curious to know what had caused her such amusement.

"There is just something incredibly un-sexy about socks that have been discarded on the floor during sex" she laughed loudly, leaping out of bed before he could stop her, picking one up and throwing it at him, catching him squarely on the nose.

"Right! Sock war!" he chuckled, as he too leapt from his comfy spot and began to chase her around the room, picking up her bra and using it as a catapult, flinging the other sock towards her. He narrowly missed hitting her on the thigh as she leapt out of the line of fire, before ducking down to pick it up and hurl it back in his direction. She dived back onto the bed and hid under the duvet, shrieking with laughter as he leapt on top of her, stripping the covers off and pinning her down by her wrists. "You're mine now" he said, "There's no escape." "Good" she replied at once, the tone changing in a heartbeat, "I want to be yours, I don't want to escape." And with that she pulled him towards her as they sunk into a long, loving kiss....... which soon turned into long, loving sex.

After a quick shower, David had nipped to collect his daughter and then the three of them had spent the afternoon together, splashing about in Jen's pool and eating Tacos, before they'd had to head back to David's parents to pack up their stuff ready for their return home. They had sneaked an emotional kiss goodbye whilst Cleo was saying her farewells to the dogs, both of them with tears in their eyes and not wanting to part. Early the next morning they had left on a flight back to New York, David promising that he would return to LA just as soon as he possibly could.

Thankfully Jen had been able to throw herself back into filming The Morning Show Season 2, where missing David proved a handy tool for all the emotional scenes she'd had to shoot. She was on set or at the studio 6 or 7 days a week, but since her schedule usually started around lunchtime, she still had plenty of opportunity for lengthy video chats with her long-distance lover.

Her lover. Could she really call him that now? Did a couple of mind-blowing sex sessions make him her lover? She hoped so. She wanted him to be hers; hers and hers alone. She couldn't stop herself from smiling every time she said his name, remembering his lips on hers, his hands worshipping her body, his tongue taking her to heights she had never previously experienced. She had always believed that David would be an ideal life partner for her, but the way he had made her body dance and sing with his skilled touch like nobody before, had been the most welcome of surprises. She had fallen in love with him even deeper and harder than she had all those years ago, but could they really make it work this time around?

"Hey you!" she said, as his face appeared on the screen in front of her.

"Hey you!" he replied, "How did it go last night?" He knew she'd had to shoot some really challenging Covid scenes which she had been nervous about.

"It went ok I think, it's always so hard to tell out of context but I think we got what we needed. We're going to sit and review everything later. Reese says Hi by the way."

"Oh, she does, does she? Why what have you been saying about me?"

Jen felt her cheeks flush a little. "We were just chatting about the re-union and that lovely picture you posted of the two of us on your Instagram. I haven't told her anything though, I promise. I haven't told anyone, not even Court or Lisa, although they're not stupid and will have guessed you didn't just stay behind to help me with the dishes...."

"Well no, not unless that's a euphemism!" he grinned knowingly at the screen.

"Are we going to tell anyone about 'this'?" she gestured to the two of them, "I mean, are we going to even label this or are we just........." she was struggling to find the words she wanted to say. "I guess what I mean is, are we going to give this, us, a try, or are we still just friends or.....?" She paused and looked hopefully at the screen, praying he would rescue her with his command of words as he had done so many times in the past.

"I don't honestly think we have ever been 'just friends' do you?" he replied. "Look I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I can honestly say that I have never in my life fallen for anyone in the same way I fell for you, and then over these past few months, if it's possible, I've fallen in love with you even more and I...."

"You're still in love with me?" her voice, barely more than a whisper, interrupted him mid-sentence.

"I totally in love with you" he replied matter-of-factly. "I have always been in love with you."

"I love you too" she smiled, tears already overflowing her eyes and spilling onto her flushed cheeks. "And I don't mean just as a friend. I want to be with you, and be loved by you, and enjoy loving you, and continue to fall deeper in love with you with every day that passes."

"Then we will make this work" he smiled. "Wherever we are, whatever label you want to put on us, we will make it happen."

"Yes" she said, happy tears freely flowing from her sparkling eyes. "Yes we will."

And they did.

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