His Next Victim Part 14

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His Next Victim

Chapter 13

Cain's POV

I pulled up to the cabin. The gravel scrunched under my tires, and I winced thinking about all the damage my poor little car went through going up this monstrous mountain the people around here labeled a 'hill'. After about four months of looking, I had finally gotten a lead to where Jade might be. This small town in the middle of nowhere was a perfect place to hide. I parked the car, darting my eyes around me almost expected the creatures from 'The Hills Have Eyes' to pop out.

Nothing jumped out at me though. A jeep and a large truck sat in the yard, definitely not a Jade vehicle. I walked up to the front door and knocked. Shuffling noises were coming from the other side, two minutes later the door opened showing a little old lady standing there holding onto a walker. She smiled at me and I could tell her teeth were dentures by how they seemed to begin to fall out of her mouth.

"Hi, Ma'am. I think I got the wrong house. I got a tip about a woman and man living in a cabin somewhere around here. Here's some pictures do you recognize either one of them?" I pulled the pictures I had out my back pocket and held them up for her to see.

Her eyes squinted and she leaned closer; finally she just reached her hand out to grab them. Noticing the ring on her finger, I began to wonder where her husband might be. "Ah, no son. I don't think I've seen them around these parts, but I don't get out much. Why don't you come in and I'll let my husband look at them. He's the one who still goes to town to get supplies."

He voice was as frail as she looked, and I just nodded my head and followed after her. Pictures were everywhere in the house. Pictures of her and her husband, other pictures that looked like they could be their children and grandchildren. The entire cabin had a very homey fill to it.

We walked into the living room. An old man sat in a recliner, glasses were perched on his nose and a newspaper was opened up in front of him. The old lady made a noise in her throat causing the man to jerk up and look towards her.

"Honey, we have a guest. He's looking for some woman and a man. You wanna look at the pictures? Maybe see if you know them?" she asked with a caring voice.

He stood and went to stand by his wife. It was almost comical how much taller he was than her, which reminded me of someone else who was short. My heart constricted; pushing the feeling down, I handed the man the pictures.

"Ah, this young man looks familiar," he started causing my heart to beat faster, "but I haven't seen him for about a month. You must have just missed them."

My hopes fell, and I struggled out a response. "Thanks. I guess I should be going now."

The old lady went to put a hand on my arm, but stopped for some reason. "If you want to stay and have some cookies and tea you can."

Her offer was genuine and I felt bad for refusing, but I needed to get out of here. It seemed like every time I was close to finding her, she up and ran from me. I looked at the old lady. Her eyes were caring. "I'm sorry Ma'am, but I really need to go. Thanks for taking time out of your day to help me."

She sent me a smile and led me back to the door. "If I think of anything I'll give you a call. Do you have a business card, young man?"

Flashing a smile back to her, I reached in my back pocket and handed her the card. Without another word, I walked out the door. I was almost to my car when something tiny and black caught my eye. Trying to see what it was without being obvious, I dropped my keys and glanced at the object. I stood and made my way to my car. Sitting in the seat, I let out a breath. Something wasn't exactly right here, and I planned to find out what it was.


Jade's POV

Dropping the curtain back in place, I turned and looked at Jeff. "That was close."

He nodded his head. "I think he's still suspicious. We should head out."

I ripped the old lady wig off my head and pulled out the annoying teeth. "I don't know, Jeff. I'm tired of running. Can't we just stay here a little longer?"

"Are you tired of running? Or do you miss him? You can tell me Jade. I love you like a sister and nothing more. At one point I thought that it might be more, but after being with you for so long I realized it's just in a brotherly way," he said flashing me a smile. I knew he was telling the truth. When Jeff lied his eyes would flicker up and to the left. He didn't know that I knew, but it was a sure way to know when he was telling the truth.

"I do miss him. I didn't think I would, but somehow Cain grew on me."

"It will never work out. You know that right?" he asked in sympathy.

"I know," I mumbled under my breath and looked once more at his retreating vehicle.

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