Chapter 30 -Could She Really?

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Ajinke's POV;

I'm standing beside Asake and staring at the train of guards that are set to carry Mr. Abioduns dead body.

“I can't believe he's dead. He was a monster, but I can't help but wonder how his family is feeling. “Asake says, and I exhale as I am also thinking the same thing.

“You. You think I don't know who did this? I know it's you. I heard you the day you were telling Asake that you can never forget what the chief did to you and that every time you see him, it haunts you. “A voice says, and I look up to find Ronke whisper yelling at me. Of course. Such a stupid statement had to come from her.

I make to speak, but a shadow covers Me, Asake, and Ronke.

I look at my back and find the prince standing behind me like a mighty tower, glaring at Ronke.

His look and aura alone intimidate Ronke so much, she finds a way to escape from his presence. He then places his hand on my bare lower back and looks down at me.

“No one is allowed to point a finger at you. “He says to me, and chills run down my chest as he walks off.

“Wow… The prince seems very… Particular about you. “Asake says, and despite how confused I am, I feel my cheeks burn.

I look up and find Muyiwa watching with a look of sadness on his face. A boy who seems to be about his age, that I have never seen before, is holding him up.

The king ordered that even though he had relieved chief Abiodun from his duty as chief, he'd still give him a chieftain burial to show respect to the royal body.

So now, there's a crowd outside, ready to follow ex-chief Abioduns body to where he'd be buried. The royal body, we maids, guards, his family, friends, and other villagers who wish to come.

We walk in solemn silence as we follow the train to the located spot for Mr. Abioduns burial. Old women are dancing and singing at the forefront of the long line of people. They are singing burial songs and dancing to the traditional farewell songs. This is done to cheer the soul of the departed on, and to make him or her know that its body would be buried honorably.

We finally get to the venue, and the ceremony begins. I stare in hate and emptiness at the body that's about to be buried. Memories of when he was going to wickedly strip me of my pride, begin to reply in my head, and Asake suddenly wraps her arm around mine. I look over at her, and she gives me a comforting smile. It's almost like she read my mind.

They had just lowered the chief's body into the ground when a woman makes it through the crowd like a mad horse out of control.

“Where is she? Where is that demonic witch? “The woman screams.

Everyone stares at the strange woman. Wondering who she is. Two young men suddenly immerge from the crowd and stand behind her.

Their resemblance to the late chief is enough to raise brows, and I look at Asake only for her to give me the same look. She also sees the resemblance.

The woman looks through the crowd and when her gaze lands on Muyiwa's poor mother who has been silent the whole time and has only been wiping stray lines of tears that escaped her eyes, she throws herself at her.

She grabs Muyiwa's mother by the collar of her top and begins to pull her roughly.

“You witch! You killed him! You were so bitter that you had to kill him! How could you? “The strange woman screams at Muyiwa's mother, and the crowd is taken up by confusion.

Who is this woman? And why do the boys with her look so much like Muyiwa's late father?

Muyiwa makes to move over to the woman who manhandling his mother, but he falls back to the ground, and his friend has to help him back up.

He's still too weak to walk.

“Young woman! Who are you? And how dare you interrupt a royal occasion like this!? “The king's angered voice booms, and silence falls upon the crowd.

We all move back in the dirt as the woman turns around to face the king. Her eyes are crimson red. She looks devastated and broken.

Her dress is unsettled on her body, and her face looks void of any ointment. She looks like a woman who is mourning.

“Your highness, I am Abioduns wife. “The woman replies, and my eyes widen. Gasps and murmurs erupt from the crowd, while anger explodes on the king's face.

“What nonsense is this? “The king questions in irritation, and the woman speaks.

“It's not nonsense, your highness.  Many years ago, Abiodun married me and promised to divorce this woman he calls a wife!

These two boys are his sons and his little daughter is at home. I couldn't bring myself to bring her here.

Your highness, just last night, I was at their house to get my husband back, and he finally kept his promise.

He cut off all ties with them and came with me. I woke up yesterday morning, and couldn't find him. Only for me to hear that he was dead.

The moment I heard this, I knew that this witch did it! Jealousy made her kill my husband! “The woman wails while pointing at Muyiwa's mother, and I gasp.

How horrible was that man? Not only was he an abuser, but he was also a cheat!? He truly deserved death! Now I wish I was the one who put an end to his miserable life.

How could he be so cruel?

The king looks up at Muyiwa's mother in awe, and finally questions.

“Is this true? “

“Yes, your highness. It is true. But I am not the one responsible for Abioduns death. Although I wish I was. “She replies while staring at the ground, and the crowd explodes with another round of murmurs.

I stare at the sober woman as I struggle to understand what emotions she's feeling. She seems so close of and distant. I don't even know what to believe. Is she guilty... Or not?

“Take both women into custody. They have to remain under watch until they are proven innocent. “The king says, and murmurs take up the crowd again as guards walk up to the new woman and Muyiwa's mother.

Muyiwa's mother humbly bows to the king before silently following the guards, and I can only wonder. If she truly killed her husband. What could make a woman so beautiful and tender… So, brutal and dangerous?

*My honest apologies for my severely late update.
The school has been quite a lot to digest, but I never forgot my dear you😘*

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