Chapter 32 - Iya Oba

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Ajinke's POV;

The queen comes in wearing a beautiful smile, and I gulp as I pray to the goddess that she doesn't notice anything wrong. I just won't be able to stand the drama the well might follow.

I bow to the queen, and she smiles at me. I'm standing at the foot of the bed, and the prince is on the bed.

“My dear, I have excellent news. Chief Kolade just introduced me to his daughter, and she's gorgeous. You have to see her. I have a feeling that she'd make an excellent wife for you.” The queen says, and my stomach drops at the sound of these words.

The prince looks up at me, and I clear my throat before bowing at the prince and making my way out of the room.

What the hell was I thinking? What was I doing? What got into me? And what came over the prince?

I can't believe I thought that the prince could want me. He doesn't usually touch ladies like he did to me. I've heard many maids gossip about how they tried to seduce him and failed woefully. I guess I was just excited that the same man who isn't moved by any woman was willing to get so close to me.

But then again… Couldn't I see? I'm just a maid, and he's the prince. He'd have a long line of brides waiting for him. Who am I? A simple, orphaned maid. The prince would never fall for me. It even sounds stupid to think it.

I'm such a cheap girl. I can't believe I was turned on by the prince. By a man who's the soon-to-be king of the entire village. When did I even start craving the prince's attention? Me, the girl with bad luck, and the whole prince of the village. I must be mad to have even let myself think of such a thing in the first place.

Prince Adebiyi's POV;

“*Mami! I've told you times without a number! I don't want to get married to any of the daughters of the chiefs! I'm not interested in any of them! ” I reply in anger, And my mother's jaw drops.

*Mami =Mother

“Why are you getting so angry? I was just saying. Just in case. You should just see her. She's stunning. ” My mom replies, and irritation begins to gnaw at me.

“Mami, stop it! I don't want… Why did you have to come in now!? ” I reply irrationally, and only after I've said what I said, did I realize what I said.

"*Ehn? Did I… Interrupt something? ” My mom questions, and I almost choke.

*Ehn? =What?

“N… No… You just… ” I begin, but am cut off by my mother's laughter.

“It's okay dear. There's nothing wrong with you being with a girl. If there's anything, it's my unending happiness.
Truth be told, I was beginning to think that you're gay.  You don't seem to like the company of girls. If Ajinke is the girl you want, then I don't mind. She's cute and lovable.

Just make sure you're not trying to take advantage of the little girl. If she's the one you're drawn to, make it official. Please. So, we can get the whole ceremony over with, and I'd finally have myself a daughter-in-law. "My mother replies, and my jaw drops. She exits the room before I can say a word, and I just stare in bewilderment.

Did my mother just give me the go-ahead to be with Ajinke?

Ajinke's POV;

I wake up to beads of sweat scattered all over my face, and my chest rising and falling as I'm panting frantically.

I had a dream. A recollection of the things Yemoja said to me.

What did she mean? What could her words possibly mean?

I look to the corner of the room and my gaze lands on the covered clay pot of water. I walk up to it and dip my cup into it. I take a long drink from the pot's cool water, and I exhale in satisfaction.

I feel the cool water make its way down my chest and the feeling disappears into my stomach. I look down and find Asake is far gone into her beautiful slumber.

I head back to my mat and stare at the moon, which is sitting elegantly in the sky. I shut my eyes, and I'm forced to tear them open as I remember the way the prince kissed my chest.

I place my hand on the spot he kissed, and run my fingers over it as I remember how delicate his kiss was.

Why am I thinking about the prince this late at night when he isn't even bothered about me? Am I falling for the prince? Oh, spirits of my ancestors, help me! I can't afford all the drama I sense coming.

I take a deep breath as I stare at the prince's door. It's early in the morning, and the prince has asked for his fruits.

I knock lightly and push the massive door open before walking in. Once again, I find him behind a canvas, with a brush in one hand, and paints in the other.

“Good morning, Ajinke. ” He greets before I get the chance to greet, and I nearly jump at his smooth voice, and how my name sounds in his voice.

“Good morning, my prince. ” I greet and silence follows. I drop the basket of fruits I was carrying on one of the tables in his room, and proceed to process them in such a way it would be easy for him to eat. He won't have to peel, wash, or cut anything.

“About yesterday… ” The prince begins, and I suddenly feel like running away.

“I'm sorry for invading your personal space. ” He adds, and my heart falls at his words.

That's it? No explanation? No… Nothing? That's just it? Sorry for invading my personal space? He won't tell me why he did it in the first place?

I remain silent as I keep cutting his mangoes, and I feel anger begin to build in my guts. Anger at myself for even thinking he was drawn to me in the first place. Anger for thinking what happened was special. Anger at him for doing that to me if he was only going to apologize and… Act like it was a normal thing that happened. Anger at myself for being angry and not knowing why exactly I'm angry!

“Come here. ” The prince orders, and I freeze. Did I think out loud again? I turn to him in fear and find his gaze on me.

He raises a brow, and I drop the knife and rinse my hands before walking over to him. He tells me to come to the front of the canvas, so I can see the painting on it.

The painting is a picture of Akomojo's elegant sunset. Our sunset is one of the most beautiful things we have in this village. It's a thing of pride that the goddess blessed us with. And the prince captured it so well.

“What do you think? ” He questions, and I stare up at him in awe. He's… Asking my opinion on his painting? What happens if I don't like it, or say it's ugly?

“It's… It's beautiful. ” I reply, and he smiles.

“I know it is. But I'm in search of something better. Something different. Something… Unique. ” He replies, and I stare up at him in honest confusion. If he knew his art was beautiful, why did he ask me?

“I'm hoping to be able to create something outstanding. But I just need the right motivation. ” He says with his gaze holding mine, and I gulp.

“Motivation will come. You just have to give it time. ” I reply. Remembering the advice my grandmother gave to me once when I wanted to create an entirely new beta dance routine but didn't know-how.

Award silence follows with the prince staring into my eyes. As if reading deeply into me and tearing off any firm of coverage, layer by layer.

There's a sudden knock on the door, and the prince turns to it, unfazed.

“Yes? ” He questions.

“A message for the prince. ” A guard's voice replies.

“What is it? ” The prince questions, and the guard's reply lights up my soul.

“We have just received a letter from the *Iya Oba. It says she's on her way back to the kingdom and would arrive by tomorrow evening. ”

*Iya Oba= Mother of the King

I stare up at the prince and see pure joy on his face. So much love for his grandmother.

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