Chapter 49 - I Pray

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Ajinke's POV;

It's the fifth day of my training, and I'm currently in my room, snug in my bed. It's early in the morning, and not yet time for me to take my bath, or start my lessons.

"Ajinke, there's someone here to see you. "Yemoja says, calling out of my sleep, and my brows crease. Here to see me? Is that allowed? And who could it be?

"I'm coming, ma. "I reply, and silence falls upon the room.

I get off the bed and dust the wrinkles off my wrapper with my palms. Yemoja taught me that as a queen, you must always be presentable. So, I quickly put my beads on and wash my face with some water from my drinking pot.

I rush out and find Yemoja in the living room.

"Good morning, ma. "I greet as I go on my knees. The proper way for us Yoruba girls to greet. Yemoja nods at me and speaks.

"No one is allowed to see your face, in these seven days. So, you'd be talking to her through an opening in the wall. "Yemoja informs, and my brows crease.

"Her? "I question, and Yemoja nods.

"Get up. "She orders as she stands from her chair, and I obey.

I follow her, and she leads me to a hut I've been seeing since I got here, but never entered.

On getting in, it becomes clear that the room is demarcated by the mud wall in its middle. Creating two sides in the hut, and the only form of connection between these two rooms is the rectangular, narrow hole in the wall.

"Asake is here to see you. "Yemoja says, and excitement explodes in my chest.

A smile bursts on my face, and Yemoja smiles before walking out. I quickly rush to the chair next to the wall and sit in it.

"Asake? "I call eagerly, and her sweet voice replies.

"Ajinke? "

I watch as a shadow is cast upon the rectangular hole, and I see Asakes's eager eyes searching for me.

"Sorry, we have to talk with this wall between us. "I apologize.

"It's okay. During the queen's cleansing process, only Yemoja is to see her. "Asake replies, and I smile.

"So, how are your lessons going? "She quickly adds, and I smile before adjusting in my seat and giving her the full gist.

"Gosh, I've missed you. "I confess as I let my chest fall.

"I've missed you too. The palace doesn't seem to same without you. "Asake says, and I smile.

"Speaking of the palace, how is everyone? The king, the queen, the Iya Oba, and... And the prince. "I reply, and Asake falls silent for a while, which causes my brows to crease.

"They... They are all fine. There's no trouble, no need for you to worry. Everything is fine. "She eventually replies, and I am certain that she's lying.

I've stayed with Asake long enough to know when she's telling lies, and right now, that's what she's doing. I don't have to see her face to know that she's lying. The tone of her voice says it all.

"Asake? "I call and she falls silent.

"Yes? "She finally replies, and I inhale deeply before speaking.

"You're the closest friend I've ever had. You're so close to my heart, that I see you as a sister. If you mean this much to me, you should know that I would not expect you to tell me lies and hide things from me. "I speak, and silence falls on the room.

She moves away from the hole, and I listen to silence.

"An unknown kingdom has sent a decoration of war, to us. We got the message yesterday. The queen is still a bit rattled from the black pot they dropped in front of her room too. "She finally replies, and my eyes widen.

"War? With whom? Which village did ours offend? "I question, in worry, and Asake replies,

"I don't know. We have no idea who sent the message, or when they'd strike. From the rumors the walls are carrying, the royal body is trying to keep this news from the people, and want new rules to be implemented for the safety if the people. "She says, and I fall silent as I let my mind wander.

"Don't worry. The prince is fine, his family is fine, we are all fine. No one is hurt, missing, or in trouble.

I swear. "She adds, and I exhale in relief.

"Ajinke, please don't worry. I'm sure the prince didn't tell you because he didn't want you to get worried.  "She says as she holds the bottom of the hole, and peeps into my side, again.

"Asake, please keep safe. I... Please, I've lost a lot of loved ones in my life. I don't want to lose you too. "I say, as I place my hand on hers, and she chuckles.

"*Ajinke, kini o nso?  Ifẹ Yaremi nikan ni o le wa si imuse ninu aye mi.  Mi o le ku ti ko ba fe kin ku. "She says, and I shut my eyes at her words.

*Ajinke, kini o nso?  Ifẹ Yaremi nikan ni o le wa si imuse ninu aye mi.  Mi o le ku ti ko ba fe kin ku. =
Ajinke, what are you saying? Only Yaremi's will can come to pass in my life. I can't die if she doesn't want me dead.

"Ajinke, don't worry. I'd be fine. "She says as she put her second hand on mine, and I nod.

"I'm sorry, dear. But it's time for you to go now. Ajinke's lesson would be starting in a bit. "Yemoja suddenly says from behind me, and I pull my hand out of Asakes grip as I turn to her.

"Okay, ma. I'd be on my way, now. "Asake replies, and I turn back to the wall.

"Bye-bye, Ajinke. See you soon. When you come back, I'd make us a delicious meal to celebrate your coming marriage. "Asake says to me, and I smile with my heart afloat in glee.

I love Asake, and I love that she's my friend. She's like the sibling I never had. A sister from another mother. I don't know why I have a heavy feeling in my heart. I just hope, all those I hold dear, are fine.

I pray no harm comes to them.

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