Chapter one

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"Did you see her?"

Of course I did. The question is who in this bar hadn't seen her? I don't know her but she is that kind of beautiful person that you can't help but stare at when she passes by. But she is also the kind of person that I wouldn't dare talk to, even with my over-friendly personality with strangers, I didn't have the boldness to approach her.

Why? Because as much as she looked beautiful, she would eat my soul for breakfast and spit it out because she was disgusted with how it tasted.

Maybe I am being a bit too judgmental. it's not my thing, I just can't help it.

Her perfectly lined eyes swept over the room, settling over no one in particular until they came across the empty table next to ours.

"She's coming our way, should I shoot my shot?" Jamie says enthusiastically.

"Don't," I warned.

"She is out of your league bro." Axel backs up my statement, declaring the obvious here. "Our league." Nale corrected, not bothering to look up from his phone.

Jamie scoffed still looking at the blond who's Getting a drink from the bar. (fake blond since her root were darker, but it suited her perfectly.) "you guys sound like a bunch of losers."

"Nah, she looks like the kind of girl that's too much of a hassle." Axel surprises me with what he just said. he is the kind of guy who isn't afraid of a little challenge, he would go for any girl he wants.

"Scared of a little blond?" Jamie baits him and of course, he takes right into it. "No."

Jamie raised his eyebrow suggestively, "oh really? Then go invite her to come sit with us."

Axel eyes her closely, she was still at the bar looking annoyed with the bartender who kept flirting with her, until she slammed a dollar bill and took off with her drink.

Spitfire fueled her eyes and she walked back to her seat. And when she does next has all of us halting for a second, ogling her like she was stripping naked. She took off her jacket, and her already very revealing top became more revealing. She was wearing a sheer corset which basically means you could see everything.

Jesus, I sound like a pervert.

"Yeah, I'm going for it." Axel chirped to his feet and strolled toward the girl.

He sat on the chair facing her, the boyish smile he gives his ladies already plastered on his face. We were luckily close enough to hear their conversation.

"Hello," he says while she is leaning against her chair sipping on her drink looking as uninterested as someone can be. "I'm Axel," more silence from her part. "I saw you and I thought a pretty girl like you shouldn't be sitting alone, you can join us if you would like?"

She is looking at him but it's like she is looking right through him. Which made Axel kind of uncomfortable. "Unless you're waiting for someone?"

Still no response coming from the girl, she looked down at the time and right back at him daring him to say something else. He shook his hand in front of her face, "hey can you hear me?"

She still stared right through his hand like he was a ghost. Axel furrowed his eyebrows in displeasure. "It's kind of rude to ignore someone who is acting nice to you, you know?"

She smiled. Not a sweet, flirtatious smile. No, an ice-chilling smile that the psychopaths do just before killing their Victims. "I don't."

Her voice is soft with a full hint of mockery. Axel fully glaring at her now. "Well I'm telling you now, it's fucking rude."

Her composition is completely unhinged by his words, she just sips from her cup and responds, "are you done now? Because you sound pathetic."

He abruptly stands up from his chair, about to cause a ridiculous scene with this chick when I jump to my feet and grab him by the arm, "leave it alone, it's not worth arguing with her."

His eyes flicker to mine and I send him a silent message. He eventually calms down and gives her one last glare before he turns away and retreats to our table. I was about to do the same when I heard her chuckle.

Without thinking much I face her and ask, "what's so funny?"

Her eyes dart to mine with a fierce look in them. "You and your ridiculous group of friends."

Irritation stuck me at the audacity of this girl. I can't stand people like her, crude and rude. And I rarely get annoyed, I understand that people have their own problems but it wouldn't kill a person to be polite about rejecting someone. That's basic human decency.

"Who just do you think you are? Acting so rude for no damned reason, you could have just said you're not interested and we would have moved on with our life." I didn't realize I was raising my voice, but it seemed the ice princess didn't like it one bit.

She was standing up, she wasn't short but she wasn't tall either yet her authority was rolling off her in full waves. "I can be fucking rude If I want to, I don't own no one shit. I didn't ask any of you to stare at me or to fucking talk to me, so save your shit talk for someone who wants to hear it."

I was speechless, to say the least and I was about to embarrass myself so hard. "Being nice doesn't cost money."

That seemed to amuse her, her lips curled into a snarl before she says, "guess what? being a bitch is Free too."

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